Although we've seen a number of packable camp kitchens recently, most of them are large enough that they have to be transported in a vehicle. The iKSPLOR Adventure BBQ is different, in that it fits into its own custom backpack.
Currently the subject of a Kickstarter campaign, the system is made by Australian outdoor gear company iKSPLOR.
At the heart of the setup is a slotted metal baseplate, to which all of the other components attach. Among those other parts are three 320-g (11.3-oz) telescoping aluminum legs, each of which can be independently adjusted in height from 460 to 1,080 mm (18.1 to 42.5 in). This feature allows the barbecue to sit level even when set up on uneven terrain.

A propane burner and attached user-supplied gas cylinder drop into a hole in the middle of the baseplate, with the tank hanging below. Three brackets are then installed around the perimeter of the burner, where they support a pre-seasoned carbon steel cookplate.
Serving as the actual cooking surface, that plate is 45 cm (17.7 in) wide and reportedly tips the scales at a little over 4 kg (8.8 lb).
All of these bits and pieces fit into a system-specific PVC backpack with a slotted foam insert. The whole kit n' caboodle is claimed to weigh approximately 10 kg (22 lb), although the cookplate can be carried separately in its own bag. Setting everything up is said to take just a few minutes.

Optional extras include stainless steel windshield slats for the burner, a magnetic stainless steel towel rack, wooden handles for lifting the cookplate, two wooden side tables, and a stainless steel holder for two cups. There's also a utensil kit that consists of a chef's knife, tongs, spatula, slotted ladle and carrying bag.
Assuming the iKSPLOR Adventure BBQ reaches production, a pledge of AU$550 (about US$365) will get you a basic kit. At the other end of the scale, an "Ultimate Pack" that includes all the extras can be had for AU$1,135 (US$753).
The set-up process is demonstrated in the video below.
Source: Kickstarter