
Don't look now, it's the 2024 Comedy Pet Photo Awards finalists!

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Not just for cats, by Sarah Haskell (England) "Hector saw the cat do thought he would give it a try ....and this is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came. But the cat made it look so easy......"
Sarah Haskell/Comedy Pets
Not just for cats, by Sarah Haskell (England) "Hector saw the cat do thought he would give it a try ....and this is about as far as he got before reversing out the way he came. But the cat made it look so easy......"
Sarah Haskell/Comedy Pets
Dancing Queen, by Vera Faupel (Germany) "What can I say. This dog loves to jump! Pepper the pointer"
Vera Faupel/Comedy Pets
Cat in a trap. Like Super Mario, by Kenichi Morinaga (Japan) "Cat in a trap it looks like video game Super Mario world"
Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets
Um excuse me, by Chantal Sammons (Canada) "Artie is about 12 weeks old in this picture. He's such an expressive little fella. He reminds me of a kid putting up their hand to go to the washroom"
Chantal Sammons/Comedy Pets
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, by Sylvia Michel (Switzerland) "I made this picture in Toggenburg. I threw a few snowballs and my dog jumped after them with great enthusiasm. That's how this picture came about"
Sylvia Michel/Comedy Pets
Hard workers, by Atsuyuki Ohshima (Japan) "They give their all in every situation"
Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy Pets
Tarzan, by Kazutoshi Ono (Japan) "It's like being in the jungle"
Kazutoshi Ono/Comedy Pets
Peek a boo, by Sylvia Michel (Switzerland) "I took this great picture in deep snow in Grindelwald. My dog Raasta, spontaneously hid so that only his ears were sticking out of the snow"
Sylvia Michel/Comedy Pets
What am I thinking?, by David Kertzman (Brazil) "A little shake of the head and... where is everyone? I was lucky enough to click at the exact moment the head disappeared"
David Kertzman/Comedy Pets
It's behind you, by Philippa Huber (UK) "Shelby, my sister's Cockapoo, absolutely loves chasing bubbles...she doesn't always get their location right, but she still jumps all over the place for them!"
Philippa Huber/Comedy Pets
You didn't hear this from me, by Kenichi Morinaga (Japan) "These cats are having secret talk about where do we fish in [the] island"
Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets
Grumpy Dog, by Luiza Ribeiro (Brazil) "Meet Nick Barry, a 5-year-old Yorkie with a special talent for hilarious expressions. This may not be his most flattering photo, but that frown is undeniably captivating - a true portrait of a dog who doesn't need smiles to win our hearts"
Luiza Ribeiro de Oliveira/Comedy Pets
Kitty in the kitchen, by Atsuyuki Ohshima (Japan) "He stayed there as if one of the kitchen tools"
Atsuyuki Ohshima/Comedy Pets
Who are you, by Silvia Jiang (UK) "Loki and a lion"
Silvia Jiang/Comedy Pets
Curls in the wind, by Julia Illig (Sylt Island) "Good looking curly couple having a good time at the windy beach"
Julia Illig/Comedy Pets
Tired Donkey, by Charlotte Kitchen (UK) "After sprinting around with Noah and completing some training, Benji was exhausted almost wanting an afternoon nap!"
Charlotte Kitchen/Comedy Pets
You keep watch, by Yasudu Aburanekomaru (Japan) "Our cat pushing nose into a hole in the wall while the other one seems to keep watch"
Yasudu Aburanekomaru/Comedy Pets
Peekaboo, by Bernard Sim (Singapore) "Look ma, no eyes!"
Bernard Sim/Comedy Pets
Nosey Neighbours, by Emma Beardsmore (UK) "These are my two cats during COVID Lockdown. They are spying on the neighbors who are breaking rules! 'Lets act like Meerkats; they'll never know it's us"
Emma Beardsmore/Comedy Pets
Belly dancer Style, by Vittorio Ricci (Italy) "My long hair turtle cat perfectly camouflaged for an ambush"
Vittorio Ricci/Comedy Pets
New Rose, by Jonathan Casey (UK) "Edgar loves to eat flowers, and her favourites are dandelions for spring, snapdragons for summer and here she can be seen gobbling as whole Gertrude Jekyll rose last September. We grow them for her and as she is elderly we handfeed her, sometimes snapping her in between bites as you can see..."
Jonathan Casey/Comedy Pets
Really!!, by Anna Petro (Hungary) "At sunset, I was walking in a town in Hungary, when I saw this dog with a unique 'personality'. The lights were harsh and yellow, the look of the dog was priceless."
Anna Petro/Comedy Pets
I believe I can fly, by Julie Smith (Ireland) "Flying Poodle"
Julie Smith/Comedy Pets
Kitten stuck in traffic, by Tomoaki Tanto (Japan) "The kitten walking in front of me suddenly stopped when she saw something on the road, and the kitten walking behind me bumped into the kitten in front of me, causing a traffic jam"
Tomoaki Tanto/Comedy Pets
I think I saw a mouse, by Debby Thomas (USA) "This beautiful and athletic gelding loves to try to fly off the ground! This is one of the series of leaps he performs"
Debby Thomas/Comedy Pets
It's fu... cold! by Tammo Zelle (Germany) "Our dog had a lot of fun in the snow, but unfortunately ice crystals always stick to his paws"
Tammo Zelle/Comedy Pets
Sun lover, by Alina Vogel (Germany) "This is Freddie, he was my first Hamster and probably the most photogenic ever. Freddie died recently and that's the last honor I want to pay my little friend"
Alina Vogel/Comedy Pets
Pool Friends, by Diann C. Johnson (USA) "Our cat Grey making a new friend in the pool"
Diann C. Johnson/Comedy Pets
It’s time to get up, by Lock Liu (China) "Every morning, my dog wakes me up by lying on my chest until I open my eyes"
Lock Liu/Comedy Pets
The proud pup and his best friend, by Darya Zelentsova (USA) "Ludo von Lickenface, the sweetest 16-year-old rescue pup, strikes a pose alongside his beloved guardian, David"
Darya Zelentsova/Comedy Pets
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One of the best things about having pets is how many laughs they bring. The Comedy Pet Photography Awards celebrates this fact with its annual competition, and this year there are 30 finalists to brighten up your day.

Founded by the same folks who came up with the idea for the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards, the Comedy Pet Photography Awards hopes to make people smile with funny pet pics and encourage them to support small grassroots animal welfare charities.

This year's shortlist is fantastic and includes an exhausted donkey, some naughty kittens, and more than one enthusiastically leaping dog. Entries hail from all over the world, including Singapore, the USA, Canada, and China, but Japan and the UK have the most with eight each.

Sylvia Michel's photograph is a definite standout. Named Everybody is kung-fu fighting, it features a playful dog who appears to be throwing some mad martial arts moves in the snow.

Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, by Sylvia Michel (Switzerland) "I made this picture in Toggenburg. I threw a few snowballs and my dog jumped after them with great enthusiasm. That's how this picture came about"
Sylvia Michel/Comedy Pets

We're not sure what exactly is going on with Cat in a trap by Kenichi Morinaga, nor how it got there, but would like to think that the adventurous feline managed to remove its head... eventually.

Cat in a trap. Like Super Mario, by Kenichi Morinaga (Japan) "Cat in a trap it looks like video game Super Mario world"
Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pets

What am I thinking? by David Kertzman captures an optical illusion of an apparently headless horse standing in a field – don't worry though, no animals were harmed in the making of this photo.

What am I thinking?, by David Kertzman (Brazil) "A little shake of the head and... where is everyone? I was lucky enough to click at the exact moment the head disappeared"
David Kertzman/Comedy Pets

"The images were chosen for their photographic quality as well as their comedic value and are now subject to some serious scrutiny from the judges who are all expert animal lovers to pick the winner," explains the awards' press release. " The panel includes TV presenter, writer, conservationist and animal lover Kate Humble, professional photographer and nature lover Gerrard Gethings and his son Jarvis Gethings, plus Barry the Border Terrier, for balance. TV Vet and animal welfare campaigner Emma Milne and our very own professional pet photographer and former competition winner Elke Vogelsang."

The awards' judges will now get together and decide a winner, who will be announced on June 6. Whoever it is will receive prize money of £500 (roughly US$630) and a Think Tank camera bag for their effort.

Until then, head to the gallery to see each one of the 30 pet photographs, along with a short description provided by the owner.

Source: Comedy Pet Photography Awards

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