
Detailed new map of all matter in the universe hints at something missing

Detailed new map of all matter in the universe hints at something missing
Scientists have created a detailed new map of the matter in the universe
Scientists have created a detailed new map of the matter in the universe
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Scientists have created a detailed new map of the matter in the universe
Scientists have created a detailed new map of the matter in the universe
The two sky maps compared in the new study – the Dark Energy Survey (left) and the South Pole Telescope (right)
The two sky maps compared in the new study – the Dark Energy Survey (left) and the South Pole Telescope (right)

Astronomers have put together one of the most comprehensive maps of all the matter in the universe. The huge undertaking hints at a slightly smoother universe than we thought, suggesting that something might be missing from our models.

The widely accepted theory is that the Big Bang kicked off everything by sending matter flying out in all directions into the expanding universe. As you might expect, it didn’t all spread out evenly but had an element of randomness to it, so certain regions had more matter than others. Over time, denser regions began to form clouds of dust and gas, which went on to condense into stars, galaxies and everything else.

By studying the distribution of matter in the cosmos today, scientists can get a better understanding of the forces that shape the universe. That includes such mysteries as dark energy, which is believed to be driving the expansion of the universe to accelerate over time.

Now scientists have made one of the most precise maps of the universe’s matter to date. Doing so involved collecting huge amounts of data from two different telescope surveys and cross-checking them against each other, which helps reduce the likelihood of any errors in one dataset interfering with the results.

The first is the Dark Energy Survey, a project that spent six years scanning the sky in near-ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared light from its high-altitude perch in Chile. The second is the South Pole Telescope, which studies the cosmic microwave background (CMB) – the afterglow of the Big Bang.

The two sky maps compared in the new study – the Dark Energy Survey (left) and the South Pole Telescope (right)
The two sky maps compared in the new study – the Dark Energy Survey (left) and the South Pole Telescope (right)

To map out the matter, the scientists focused on a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. Essentially, objects with huge masses will actually warp spacetime itself to the point that the path of light will be bent as it passes by. Measuring the extent of this bending can allow scientists to calculate how much mass, and therefore matter, is present in a particular region.

The analysis mostly lined up with what’s currently the most widely accepted model of the universe, known as the lambda cold dark matter (ΛCDM) model. However, it might not have been a perfect fit – the study suggests that matter clumps together a little less than we thought, which could open the door for a whole new model to explain things better.

“It seems like there are slightly less fluctuations in the current universe than we would predict assuming our standard cosmological model anchored to the early universe,” said Eric Baxter, an author of the studies.

This isn’t the first crack to appear in our so-called standard model of cosmology. ΛCDM requires the existence of a mysterious substance called dark matter, which can only be observed through its gravitational influence on regular matter. However, as sure as astronomers are that it exists, decades of experiments have failed to directly detect it.

There’s also a problem called the Hubble tension. Basically, observing the cosmos in one way results in a specific value for what’s called the Hubble constant – but the ΛCDM model, backed up by other methods of observation, results in a completely different value. Stranger still, both are increasingly more certain, and yet there’s no overlap, suggesting the possibility of new physics.

That said, the researchers on the new project acknowledge that their observations of the less clumpy nature of matter haven’t yet reached the level of statistical significance needed to be certain. Future work could help confirm this.

Either way, this new map of the universe’s matter will provide a good foundation for future study.

The research was published in three papers in the journal Physical Review D.

Source: University of Chicago

Since it is common knowledge that space as we understand it is endless and extends to infinity, this study seems senseless.
@Wavmakr Space is perceived to go on forever because we live in a bubble we only circle the bubble. Space isn't flat.
Um, and we are absolutely positive that space is endless and extends to infinity (and there is nothing we need to learn beyond that)! (?????)
Space is endless and extends to infinity. It is roughly spherical. Think of space as a big basketball: If you look parallel to the surface, your line of sight is bent by gravity to follow the surface of the ball. It goes around until you see your back. However, because sight travels at the speed of light and you have been watching for so long, the back you see is you trillions of years ago (if indeed you are still there when the sight catches you from behind). However, space is expanding outwards, so when your sight reaches the area behind you, it is actually somewhere above you, because on its journey, it has been moving steadily outwards with the expansion of the universe, so - in effect - it never gets to see your back. If we look below the horizon of the celestial plane, we may see ourselves from behind, but we would have to very accurately know where to look. Therefore, it is postulated that if you want to see yourself from behind, it is best to get someone to stand behind you and take a photo.
"Astronomers have put together one of the most comprehensive maps of all the matter in the universe." "All" of the matter? Really? Are we sure it's not "All of the matter we have detected"? If I open a dictionary, to 100 random pages, and record 1% of the words on each page...have I found "All" of the words in the dictionary?
Space is spherical...really, lol? Prove it. The shape of space it much more complex; with bends, wormholes, etc.
Graeme S
Oh the efforts of man, how smart we think we are, when will we learn that we are not and be happy that we are
Gene Preston
Astronomy has shown us the missing mass is extremely smooth. If the missing mass were particulate it would clump together but this is not observed over vast distances. If the gravity fields themselves contain energy that is mass then the gravity fields create their own gravity fields. I.e. the gravity fields would act in a nonlinear manner. I think the missing mass is the energy in gravity fields.