Wheat is one of the planet's most widely grown crops, so any increases in its grain yield could go a long way towards reducing world hunger. That's where a new variety of the plant comes in, as its yield is reportedly up to 11 percent higher than that of regular wheat.
One commonly used approach to boosting grain yield involves genetically modifying wheat plants, so that each one produces a greater number of grains. While this has worked in the past, the technology has somewhat plateaued in recent years – according to Britain's University of York, the annual rate of yield increase currently sits at less than 1 percent.
Another approach involves causing the grains to grow larger and heavier. Unfortunately, though, plants that have been altered to produce bigger grains usually also grow fewer of them. As a result, the actual amount of food that can be obtained from each plant remains the same.
Led by Prof. Simon McQueen-Mason, York scientists set out to address the latter problem.
In their new genetically modified wheat, levels of a growth-rate-determining protein known as expansin are increased in the young plants. When those plants mature, they produce grains that are up to 12.3 percent heavier than those of their conventional counterparts, but which are also no fewer in number. The increased growth rate is limited to the grains, with the rest of each plant remaining normal.
Colleagues at the Universidad Austral de Chile successfully grew the new wheat in field trials conducted under regular agricultural conditions. Once the plants had been harvested, the final grain yield of the best-performing transgenic line was 11.3 percent higher than that of a control crop of traditional wheat.
The research is described in a paper that was recently published in the journal New Phytologist.
Source: University of York
Second - GM wheat has not been accepted by the consumer or other end user. Until it is no company will develop it into a product. Unless you add an attribute to it that consumers want - like flour which will lower your cholesterol! No one will make available to farmers. It costs about $100m to bring a GM gene to market.
Third- you will have keep this wheat separate from non GM wheat - that is an expense that most grain producers will not want to have. So a farmer may make a higher profit by growing the wheat but then get less fir the grain when he sells it.
Fourth - since a farmer can plant back the grain as seed a company that specialises de the money to get government approval will not be able to charge make more fir the seed as once the farmer buys the first that will be last he/she needs to buy.
There was a corn that was GM of corn and could have fed millions but it was vilified because it was GM even though there was no proof it was bad. I believe it was -IIRC - called golden corn.
I think this is a good thing and could feed more people.
It is just a matter of competing technology that wants to make a fast buck. We were not designed to eat GMO crops, we evolved to go along with what is already here. GMO crops contain vastly lower proportions of vital nutrients, and have been demonstrated to leave active GMO RNA in the gut that is dysfunctional that then alters our own RNA, influencing our DNA in a way that negatively affects organ functions. Goats fed GMO soy have smaller kids, and they have to have 50% more spent on them in veterinary fees, great to make a quick buck for the soulless companies behind it, but absolutely no good at all for actual human beings. And the GMO soy is actually more expensive for the farmers to buy to feed their stock, and around 98% of all soy is now GMO, making non-GMO soy very difficult to obtain, making things very difficult for farmers and their now suffering stock.