
Mice sweating fat raises prospect of unusual anti-obesity therapy

Mice sweating fat raises prospect of unusual anti-obesity therapy
It may not be easy to turn sweating fat through the skin into a weight loss therapy for humans
It may not be easy to turn sweating fat through the skin into a weight loss therapy for humans

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It may not be easy to turn sweating fat through the skin into a weight loss therapy for humans
It may not be easy to turn sweating fat through the skin into a weight loss therapy for humans

Scientists looking for novel ways to treat type 2 diabetes have stumbled across a mechanism by which the immune system can trigger the secretion of fat cells through the skin. The mechanism may translate from animal studies into humans, but turning it into a safe obesity therapy could be challenging.

The research began by studying how an immune protein called thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) influences energy metabolism in mice. The initial hypothesis was that increasing the levels of TSLP in mice could lower the animals’ risk of developing diabetes.

“Initially, we did not think TSLP would have any effect on obesity itself," says the study’s principal investigator Taku Kambayashi. "What we wanted to find out was whether it could impact insulin resistance. We thought that the cytokine could correct Type 2 diabetes, without actually causing the mice to lose any weight.”

After a month of treatment designed to increase TSLP levels the mice showed significant improvements to blood glucose. But surprisingly, the animals also dropped huge volumes of visceral fat. Even more unexpectedly, the TSLP-treated mice were losing weight while consuming up to 30 percent more food than the control mice.

So what was going on? Kambayashi says the clue was in the unusually oily coats on the TSLP-treated mice.

“When I looked at the coats of the TSLP-treated mice, I noticed that they glistened in the light,” he says. “I always knew exactly which mice had been treated, because they were so much shinier than the others.”

Extracting oils from the animals’ fur the researchers discovered the mice were indeed "sweating fat." The fat cells in the oils were a form of what is called sebum – a waxy substance released by glands in the skin.

Sebum secretion is generally regulated by hormones. In humans excessive hormonal activity in adolescence is known to stimulate high levels of sebum secretion leading to that infamous wave of teenage acne.

As Kambayashi points out, this is the first evidence of sebum-secretion being influenced by an immune system mechanism.

“This was a completely unforeseen finding, but we’ve demonstrated that fat loss can be achieved by secreting calories from the skin in the form of energy-rich sebum,” says Kambayashi. “We believe that we are the first group to show a non-hormonal way to induce this process, highlighting an unexpected role for the body’s immune system.”

A subsequent investigation into the relationship between TSLP and sebum gland gene expression in humans suggested the mechanism may be transferable. Hypothetically, TSLP could trigger a similar process in humans.

“I don’t think we naturally control our weight by regulating sebum production, but we may be able to highjack the process and increase sebum production to cause fat loss,” adds Kambayashi. “This could lead to novel therapeutic interventions that reverse obesity and lipid disorders.”

Marlon Schneider, a German researcher who did not work on this new study, penned an accompanying commentary on the new findings in the journal Science. He says the challenges of turning this novel research finding into an obesity therapy are “formidable.”

Increasing TSLP levels in humans may work to trigger the secretion of fat-filled sebum, but a number of safety issues could be a problem. In mice, for example, increasing TSLP levels did cause broad immune cell infiltration into a number of organs. Plus, we do know increased sebum secretion plays a role in acne so it would be a significant challenge to mitigate any inflammatory skin condition related to an anti-obesity therapy that works by “sweating fat.”

Still, Kambayashi and his team are exploring this mechanism further in the hope of developing a novel kind of anti-obesity therapy in the future.

The new study was published in the journal Science.

Source: Penn Medicine

Wayne Morellini
I have been experimenting with a form of exercise to induce fat excretion for many years. I wasn't aware of this mechanism, or that it was realised at all. I notice I could manipulate a stage of shedding fat in exercise. But have been too sick to fully map it out, and comprehensive mechanisms to induce it. But it shifts weight a lot quicker, and induces some other new techniques.

I noticed decades ago this effect, and saw that on TV, basically very stupid researchers (now that I know better). Trying to measure Weight loss effect by carbon dioxide production from breathing during simulated high rate exercise compared to low rate, totally ignoring the calories coming out as fat/oils from the skin. It is just mind boggling to read scientific discussion articles and see all the mistakes in logic and obliviousness coming from scientists. Truely they must be close to average range of intelligence, as reported.
NIce article Rich - and I agree with Marlon Schneider - while mice may be fine producing more sebum which the human body produces in very low quantities continuously, the compounding effects of a second teenage acne outbreak may be off-putting!

Thomas Turk - could you please provide at least one scientifically vetted reference - and preferably several peer reviewed studies conducted on this marvelous claim. Not that I don't trust you - I trust but verify.
Wayne Morellini - while I find it mind boggling to read non-scientific journals and blogs where outlandish statements are made and research is taken out of context, I find it more enlightening to read of actual current research that a naysayer agrees with than believe their opinion of how misguided research in the past has been. Researchers claim that their breakthroughs are based on the findings of the past - Even Einstein miscalculated his estimations of gravitational light bending - which he subsequently corrected. If there are seriously erroneous - rather than null hypothesis that are proven and steer subsequent research in other directions, then I guarantee there are some of us who would like references - not really trusting until I can verify!