Infectious Diseases

Dozens of new viruses discovered in 15,000-year-old glacier ice

Dozens of new viruses discovered in 15,000-year-old glacier ice
Researchers have identified 33 types of viruses in ancient ice cores – at least 28 of which are new to science
Researchers have identified 33 types of viruses in ancient ice cores – at least 28 of which are new to science
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Researchers have identified 33 types of viruses in ancient ice cores – at least 28 of which are new to science
Researchers have identified 33 types of viruses in ancient ice cores – at least 28 of which are new to science

Scientists have collected viruses from almost-15,000-year-old ice samples, taken from glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau. Dozens of species were found to be unknown to science, which could provide an intriguing look back at the history of viral evolution.

Glaciers are fantastic at preserving deep history, as they trap particles of dust, traces of gas, microbes, and plant matter from different time periods. Since these layers build up over time, scientists can drill and study ice cores to learn a huge amount about ancient climates, what was in the atmosphere, and what kinds of life existed at various points of history.

In the new study, led by researchers from Ohio State University, ice cores were drilled from the Guliya ice cap on the Tibetan Plateau, which were dated as far back as 14,400 years old. The team then analyzed these cores for what kinds of viruses they contained, and the genetic codes of 33 viruses were identified. Four of these were found to belong to known types of bacteriophage, viruses that prey on bacteria, but at least 28 of them didn’t match any known type.

The team hypothesizes that the viruses probably originated in plants and soil, but they weren’t necessarily thwarted by the cold – in fact, around half of them seemed to be well suited to life on the ice.

“These are viruses that would have thrived in extreme environments,” says Matthew Sullivan, co-author of the study. “These viruses have signatures of genes that help them infect cells in cold environments – just surreal genetic signatures for how a virus is able to survive in extreme conditions.”

Contamination by modern microbes is a serious problem for this kind of study, so the researchers developed a new method for sterilizing the ice cores. They removed half-centimeter (0.2-in) layers of the outer material with different techniques – first band saw scraping, then an ethanol wash, and finally a sterile water wash. The inner section of the core could then be examined free of contamination.

The team tested this sterilization process on their own artificial ice cores, which were coated in bacteria, viruses and DNA. After they conducted their three-step process, no traces of these mock contaminants were detected in the inner ice cores.

The researchers say that being able to better study ancient microbes can help scientists better understand the history of their evolution, as well as how they handled changing climates in the past – and how well they might in future. The sterilization method could also come in handy for finding traces of viral genetic sequences in samples taken on the Moon or Mars.

The research was published in the journal Microbiome.

Source: Ohio State University

I know of a great lab that we can trust with viral research . . .
Expanded Viewpoint
Wait a minute here, unless there have been some major, and I mean MAJOR changes in the science of virology, that I've not yet been made aware of, virii are NOT living organisms! They are infectious agents that invade living cells which are needed for them to survive and multiply! Virii go dormant when not in a hospitable environment, so how could they survive or thrive except in a living host organism?? As I covered in a paper I wrote in 2002, the assumed and reported speed of transmission of viral infections is much too fast for them to be going from animal to animal in a group of any kind, therefore, unless they are deliberately spread by Man, the only other explanation, is that they are drifting down to Earth in the tons of cosmic dust that settles here each month.
Nice write up Michael. I think it is fascinating that we have looked at core samples for decades to analyze ancient forms of life. Knowing what parasitic virii were able to develop (virii are parasitic packages of functional nucleic acid sequences that require living cells to replicate - but no where in the article was mention of virii being "alive"). I have searched for articles from 2002 regarding viral transmission rates and current theories - especially cited to an "Expanded Viewpoint" to no avail - but I did find Forterre, P. Defining Life: The Virus Viewpoint. Orig Life Evol Biosph 40, 151–160 (2010). Apparently there are those who more broadly define biological life as possessing ribosomes. Not mainstream at all but a better place for the "wait a minute" comments. It really is fascinating that viral particles are robust survivors of extreme conditions. And yet, no one calls them 'life", but almost everyone agrees they require living cells to propagate.
The book Living Systems by J.G.Miller shows 7 levels of living systems from the smallest cell, organ, organism, group, organization, nation, and supranational. All levels have the same identical subsystems that "shred out" with matter-energy-information. I bought this in 1978 as it caught my eye with a cruise ship as a living system which enhanced the notion that some silicone-based robotic machines might be defined as living. Viruses however are Not as they are missing too much of the 19 subsystems.
Have they experimented to see if they can infect a now living cell.....wait a minute....uh ooh.
Lets just make sure that whom ever studies these will know how to keep the world safe from any potentially hazardous materials.