Chain-style bike locks are nice because they're flexible, although they're kinda limp – like a piece of boiled spaghetti. The Abus Goose Lock 6206K is different, in that it's bendy but it holds its shape – more like a giant pipe cleaner.
While there's no substitute for a big, burly, ultra-secure bike lock in high-theft-risk scenarios, sometimes a lighter, more compact lock is a bit more practical. That's where the Abus CombiFlex TravelGuard is designed to come in.
Recharging the battery of a bike helmet with built-in lights can (conceivably) be awkward, as the whole helmet has to be placed near an outlet. A new model gets around that problem, though, with a removable tail light module.
We've been seeing an increasing number of "smart" bike locks lately, most of which sound an audible alarm if messed with. So, what if you like that feature, but are otherwise happy with your "dumb" lock? Well, that's where the Alarmbox comes in.
The new Abus Bordo 6000 Ecolution adds some environmentally friendly benefits to Abus' folding lock line.