Sleep monitors
Not many people fancy the idea of spending the night in a sleep clinic with multiple electrodes stuck to their skin. That's why scientists have developed a smart pajama top that assesses sleep disorders while its wearer comfortably slumbers at home.
A pair of $139 brainwave-synching earbuds uses your body's data to shape your sleep. Whether it's a peaceful night or quality power naps, they stand to be a game-changer for anyone who has trouble getting enough shut-eye naturally.
As we're increasingly plugged-in to a 24/7 cycle of news, entertainment and social media, it is becoming harder to find time to switch off to practice self-care. This smart device, with the help of AI, aims to get any brain on the right track.
A common childhood epilepsy drug has the potential to change the lives of millions of people who suffer from sleep apnea, as a clinical trial has delivered surprising results in reducing breathing interruptions and improving daytime alertness.
This extraordinary active pillow is designed to detect snoring and actually do something about it – repositioning your head until you breathe easier, without waking you up. Yes, we've officially entered the age of the AI pillow.
While effective in treating sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are intrusive and disruptive, which is why 50% of patients give up on using the life-saving devices. A new study shows why they might be worth the discomfort.
Scientists have speculated about the cognitive and dreaming abilities of the octopus. This study is a step closer in understanding their complex behavior. As does a study on cuttlefish from the same team, showing their color shifting like never before.
In order to get tested for sleep apnea, patients have to spend a night sleeping at a clinic with numerous hard-wired sensors stuck to their skin. A new facial patch system however, could soon allow those people to spend the night in their own bed.
The REM stage of sleep plays an important role in learning, memory and brain development. Currently, lab-based tests are required to gauge how much REM sleep a person is getting. The SomaSleep mask, however, is claimed to let users do so at home.
Where most of Polar's smartwatches are aimed at outdoor enthusiasts, the Ignite 3 is heading to the wrists of a more casual fitness crowd, and can tap into an individual's circadian rhythm to predict when wearers will be most alert and ready to focus.
While there are already a number of sleep-tracking systems to choose between, many are made by small startups without much of a track record. Electronics giant Amazon has now thrown its hat in the ring, however, with the unveiling of the Halo Rise.
Sleeping while wired up with an EEG cap would be hard enough here on Earth, but can you imagine trying to do so in the zero-gravity environment of outer space? It could be quite awkward, which is why an earbud has been designed to do the same job.
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