
Gizmag's top 10 ski gadgets for 2013

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The Suunto Ambit GPS watch is one of our picks
The Suunto Ambit tracks altitude and GPS location
Buhel Speakgoggle G33 Intercom
The Suunto Ambit was introduced earlier in 2012
Chaval Response-XRT
With its new apps, the Suunto Ambit can offer even more to skiers
The Suunto Ambit GPS watch is one of our picks
The Suunto Ambit can be paired with various accessories
Suunto Ambit GPS watch
Suunto Ambit
Sidas Drywarmer
The heated gloves that adjust automatically
Chaval Response-XRT
Chaval designed the Response-XRT gloves to be easy to charge
Ski Retrievers
Don't lose your skis on a big powder day
Zippo Hand Warmer
Smith is one of the latest manufacturers to add Recon's heads-up display to its goggle line
Smith I/O Recon
Smith I/O Recon
Recon brings a variety of information right to the skier's eye
The Recon hardware is integrated into the lower goggle
K2 Rescue Shovel Plus
Zeal HD Camera Goggle
K2 Rescue Shovel Plus
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So far, the Northern Hemisphere's 2012-2013 ski season is off to a rather sluggish start, at least in the heart of American ski country. It looks like it could be another warm, dry year. That doesn't mean that the skiing has to be boring, however. These ski-centric gadgets will wring more enjoyment out of the big powder days that do come and provide a fun distraction when conditions are less than ideal.

Zeal HD Camera Goggle

Zeal HD Camera Goggle

Zeal was the first company to launch GPS goggles, and this season it has a different piece of wearable technology to hawk. The HD Camera Goggle, which seems to have dropped the "iON" name, combines eyewear and videography, integrating a 1080p action cam right between the eyes. Not only does the goggle pull the camera off the helmet, it includes a built-in viewfinder for previewing shots. It also captures sound and takes 8-megapixel photos. The HD Goggle retails for US$399.

K2 Rescue Shovel Plus

K2 Rescue Shovel Plus

Shovels are a necessity in the backcountry, but most are pretty one-dimensional. They'll dig the snow, but not much else. The K2 Rescue Shovel Plus was designed to create a rescue sled with select K2 skis. So if you or one of your buddies gets injured out there, the sled can pull you out. All of the necessary hardware needed to build the sled is included in the handle. The shovel head also flips around to serve as a hoe. K2 sells the Rescue Shovel Plus for $89.95.

Zippo Hand Warmer

Zippo Hand Warmer

A modern take on those gritty hand warmers that skiers have been using for ages, the Zippo Hand Warmer promises to provide longer, more stable warming. It also looks a helluva lot cooler. The Hand Warmer provides up to 12 hours of warming, which should outlast the average ski day. It is also refillable. $19.95



The Skizee brings the joy of skiing anywhere and everywhere. No longer does snow in the flat lands have to equate solely to the headaches of shoveling and slow commutes – now it can be skied, too. The Skizee is like a skier's snowmobile – hold onto it and it throws a few horses at the ground, propelling the skier forward. Suddenly that flat stretch of woods is an enticing ski glade. The site's website still looks the same as it did when we first covered the Skizee two seasons ago, including the "available soon," so we may never get our hands on this particular ski gadget.

Buhel Speakgoggle G33 Intercom

Buhel Speakgoggle G33 Intercom

The Speakgoggle G33 Intercom from Italian manufacturer Buhel eliminates the annoyance of handling a mobile phone at the resort. The Bluetooth-equipped goggles pair with a cell phone and use bone conduction to power your conversations. There's no more pawing at the phone with thick mittens or straining to hear through earmuffs. €279.00 (app. $365)

Sidas Drywarmer

Sidas Drywarmer

Damp, dripping boots may not be the most glamorous part of skiing, but they are a reality. The Sidas Drywarmer travels from mountain to mountain, country to country, and zaps wetness and odor with ultraviolet light. Drier feet = more enjoyable skiing. The Drywarmer retails for $29.95.

Smith I/O Recon Goggle

Smith I/O Recon

The I/O goggle was already one of the hottest goggles on the market thanks to its quick-changing lens system and superior anti-fogging. The I/O and its siblings (I/OS and I/OX) have been named among the best out there by publications like Freeskier and SKI magazine, and your humble author has been using them happily for years. Now they get all the vert-counting, location-tracking, smartphone-pairing power of Recon Instruments hardware. They don't come cheap, however: $650.

Suunto Ambit

Suunto Ambit GPS watch

Unlike the old Suunto S6, the Ambit isn't a ski-specific watch. However, it's more advanced and functional than that discontinued model and should prove helpful to skiers of all types. Backcountry skiers can use the GPS to create and navigate routes; resort skiers can track their speed; and all skiers will benefit from elevation and temperature readings. Suunto has also committed to continually upgrading the watch, and the recent 2.0 upgrade adds apps, including a clinometer function that provides the angle of a given slope or hill. $500

Ski Retriever

Ski Retrievers

If you're the kind of skier that frequently loses their skis in dumping, drifting snow, you're already the envy of the rest of the ski world – unless, of course, you can't find your skis in time to take advantage of that deep, fresh powder. Ski Retriever is a radio-based tracking system that locates lost skis and gets you back on the mountain in a hurry. $160

Chaval Response-XRT Gloves

Chaval Response-XRT

A newcomer to the heated skiwear market, the Chaval Response-XRT gloves use an intuitive heating system to maximize warmth and battery power. The intelligent alphaHEAT system automatically heats up and cools down based on the temperature of your hands. The idea is that your hands stay perfectly comfortable without ever requiring you to fidget with the heat setting. Chaval claims the gloves keep your hands warm three times longer than any other pair available. $389.97

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Adam Bradley
I will ski more next year!
I wonder how many ski resorts will close over the upcoming decade because of Global Warming?
i agree with adam. my god, global warming, lol. love all of this stuff, but especially that skizee!
David Scott
The Zippo Hand Warmer is pretty awesome for a catalytic hand warmer under $20. But if you don't mind paying up to $45 to $50, you can find an even more awesome one: the S-Bostan hand warmer.
They both have the same burning technology. But the S-Bostan is much higher tech for lighting. It uses two AA batteries and has a push-button lighting mechanism. But the Zippo you have to light with a flame -- either a lighter or a match.
There's one more key advantage. And it's huge. Head over to outdoorgearandtravel to see it (and an in-depth review of the Zippo, including several alternative-technology competitive devices).
Don't get me wrong. The Zippo came in second in my "best hand warmer" article. But there are some important caveats and assumptions there too.
Raj Shahgem
Surprised DAHU's highly innovative hybridised ski boot didn't make this list..
Chris CP
It's funny that you called the Zippo hand warmer modern. That type of warmer has been around since 1923, originally made by a Japanese company that is still around to this day: