
ZEV comes out swinging: lays claim to world's fastest electric scooter

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The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
A large wheel-mounted motor like this helps the ZEV bikes generate more torque than the smaller engines of most competitors.
The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?
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American manufacturer ZEV has issued a fairly blunt challenge to other electric motorcycle manufacturers such as Vectrix, Zero Motorcycles and Brammo, by claiming to have the fastest and most powerful production electric scooter on the market in its US$7237 ZEV7000. "We tell them to bring their street legal production bike and to bring their betting money. There can be only one "fastest" street legal production electric motor scooter or bike in the world."

It's a big call to say your vehicle is the fastest on the market and call out your competitors like ZEV is doing - and it's an even bigger call when your bike's top speed is listed simply as "+113kmph/70mph."

The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?

For reference, when we test rode the impressive Vectrix electric scooter a couple of years back, that bike hit 110kmh fairly comfortably on the freeway too - despite the fact that it's only advertised to have a top speed of around 100.

Still, the ZEV7000 looks like a quality product, so we'll leave it to the competition to tackle or disprove any of ZEV's big claims and just take a look at the machine itself.

As its name suggests, the ZEV7000 puts out a continuous output of 7kW - with a peak output around 8kW and 14kW of standing start/launch power. Claimed peak torque, however, is a sky-high 184Nm, which would certainly help get it off the line with some gusto.

A large wheel-mounted motor like this helps the ZEV bikes generate more torque than the smaller engines of most competitors.

ZEV claims its secret recipe for massive torque is as simple as using large-diameter, multiphase motors, with a heavy emphasis on component cooling. Cooling the hub-mounted motor using an oil bath arrangement lets ZEV run a large motor at high speeds without the power sapping and motor-destroying effects of excess heat. The oil also helps ward off corrosion on the magnets - and this is part of the reason why ZEV offers a 2-year warranty on all its machines.

Range for the ZEV7000 is similar to the Vectrix at between 55 and 70 miles between charges, which take 25 minutes for a 75 percent top-up, or around 2 hours for a full charge. You can extend the vehicle's range or choose to access higher power by using what the company calls its "electronic transmission" - a switch that lets you choose how many amps the engine is running at. Low amps means low power but extended range, higher amps will drain the battery faster but give the bike substantially more beans.

Naturally, the ZEV7000 has also got a two-way throttle that can be rotated forward while on the move to engage regenerative engine braking and help get a bit more juice back into the battery.

The ZEV7000 - the world's fastest production electric scooter?

One area in which the ZEV clearly stomps the Vectrix is in weight. Where the Vectrix comes in at a porky 200+kg, the ZEV tips the scales at a svelte 134kg. That's certainly going to give the ZEV a clear advantage on the dragstrip.

And the price tag is considerably leaner too, at US$7237 after tax credits to the Vectrix's RRP of around US$10,000 - although the Vectrix does bring with it a swag of top-shelf Italian braking and suspension componentry from Brembo and Marzocchi, as well as sexy looks that outclass the more utilitarian ZEV.

All in all, ZEV looks to be putting a fairly strong case forward as a commuter vehicle. The lithium battery should last upwards of 3000 full charge cycles, significantly more if you're putting it back on the charger without running it right down - so it should be good for upwards of 10 years of daily use with virtually no maintenance besides tires and fork oil.

And while there's lively arguments about exactly how clean and green your transport choice is if you're running it off fossil-generated mains power, there's simply no comeback when it comes to your daily energy costs: a zero-to-hero recharge will cost you about seven cents' worth of electricity.

Nice work, lads.

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zeev says go zev!
ZEV 4100LA Customer\'s \"Impressive\" Review
Not to long ago, I owned a 3000 watt Electric Motorcycle manufactured by another company but my needs required more power, torque and speed so I started shopping for a larger machine. After looking at the some of the top brand companies, I can see that spending high cost dollars was not for me. Since I work about 30 miles away and the average speed limit is 35 to 45 but everyone does 50 so I needed a scooter that would have about 35 mile range at speeds around 50 and one that allowed me to carry a charger on board.
I contacted a guy at Environment Friendly Store who happened to also be the owner because this company only carries the ZEV machines. He did not hesitate but to refer me to ZEV Corp and suggest the ZEV 4100 would best suit my needs which was also in my price range. I read some info in the forums about ZEV and this is what was said. “Our company is a spinoff of our engineering business. We get hired to solve the problems of other companies and to design EV.” After doing some more reading, I found ZEV is a group of hard core aerospace and mechanical engineers and business people that banded together to prove they could outflank, out design, and outperform everyone else in the alternative fuel vehicle market. High performance and sophisticated engineering is spoken here.
Then after talking to the ZEV Chief Engineer, he also suggested the ZEV 4100 either in Lithium or Lead batteries and then with a second conversation with EF Store, I choose the 4100LA. I decided to make the purchase through Environment Friendly Store, hence, I had double tech and customer support from both companies and ZEV’s two year warranty!
I can say that I would classify my 4100 as an electric motorcycle and so far this EV is giving me the performance that I was looking for and then some. And both companies are top notch and their tech and customer support is remarkable! This is one solid machine and I don’t expect any problems but I am not worried because any warranty issues will be handled in a professional manner. I know this review is about the 7000 and I can only imagine the speed and endurance it must have. I can tell you this, my 4100 will go fast enough to get tickets and by the way, my 4100 is yellow too just like the one shown in this article!
Facebook User
If the company could get Eva Haberman to sit on one, with a B3K vanity plate, that\'d help sell the scooters. ;)
Edgar Walkowsky
Even with fossil fuel electricity, an electric vehicle will produce less total emissions than a petrol powered vehicle. Also there is always the option to use clean renewable electricity.
Electric motor: 90% efficient. Petrol Motor: 30% efficient.
Electric wins hands down...
Excellent Product.
Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India
David Campos
WOW !!!! I want one badly .
This would be a huge hit in Japan, where I\'m at. Tons of little scooters spewing tons of pollutants... this would help take a bite out of that, and also save a lot on the noise, which can get loud with a \"gang\" of scooters which all sneak up to the front of the cars at the stop lights. It\'s a bit humorous as they all anticipate the green light and roar off as a huge pack like some racing event....
i saw this article and tracked down zev to see and if possible ride thier scooters. they don\'t look fast sitting there but WOW was it. it had instant torque and great acceleration. i met the owner of the company at his testing track and he and i rode the scooters for a few hours. he says they will do over 70 so i had to test it. i got as far back on his test strip i could got down as low as i could under the wind screen and punched it i pushed it all the way to the last minute before i ran out of strip to run on i hit 81mph and had it was still trying to pull. i was very impressed. i am looking for a drive train for the egrand prix and i found what i am looking for. with some new stuff he is working on and some stuff im working on i think we can make a good race bike. the bike rides like a dream smooth and quiet. i want one just to back and forth to work on. if your looking for a fun practical comuter bike this is it.
Facebook User
Guys, please stay away from this P**. We have the same motorcycle down here (Brazil), but it\'s called \"Dafra Laser 150\":
I bought one brand new, and it didn\'t last 6 months. Don\'t get me wrong, it is a great bike to ride, but its not reliable.
The Facebook User in Brazil must not be able to read. The GIZMAG article is about a fully electric bike called a ZEV made in the USA. He refers the reader to a gasoline powered 150 cc Chinese bike that he says he purchased in Brazil, then claims them to be the same. He refers you to a web site showing a gasoline powered bike with a big fat muffler. Clearly and obviously not even remotely the same bike in even the most vague or oblique manner. Checking with ZEV will how that no ZEV has ever been sold in Brazil or to anywhere in S America and no resales of used bikes has yet occured.