The USA is often associated with all things big: cars, food and buildings – everything seems larger than life in that part of the world. However, with its 2018 Small Project Awards, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) honors projects that, despite their size or budget, are monuments to superb design.
The AIA Small Project Awards honors small-project firms. By "small," AIA means projects that fall into one of three categories: a small project that cost under US$150,000, one that cost up to $1.5 million, or one that measures under 5,000 sq ft (464 sq m). Admittedly $.15 million doesn't sound that small but the projects included are certainly on a smaller scale than we usually see in other awards – plus the Relatively Small Project Awards just doesn't have the same ring to it.
This year's theme is "Renewal," and if it sounds pretty open, that's the idea. The upshot is that we're treated to a broad range of projects. Highlights include the Sonoma Residence. The minimalist prefabricated home, with accompanying guesthouse, was designed in collaboration with Apple's Real Estate and Development Senior Design Director, who is also an architect himself.

Studio / Bunkhouse, pictured above, is another standout. This little cabin was made by an architect and his 11 year old daughter from the shell of a dilapidated tool shed. It now functions as a bunk house for the 11-year old, a design studio for her dad, and, when everything is folded away, a poker room for dad and friends.
Head to the gallery to see each of the 11 excellent projects honored in this year's AIA Small Projects Awards, including a hardy off-grid home, an attractive pump house, a playground for kids and kids at heart, and more.
Source: AIA