
MagLev Aero unveils "breakthrough" HyperDrive eVTOL propulsion system

MagLev Aero says its ring-shaped propulsion technology can make eVTOLs significantly quieter and more efficient
MagLev Aero
MagLev Aero says its ring-shaped propulsion technology can make eVTOLs significantly quieter and more efficient
MagLev Aero

A fascinating eVTOL project is about to come out of stealth, showcasing a "breakthrough HyperDrive propulsion technology" that MagLev Aero claims is "dramatically more quiet, efficient, safe, sustainable and emotionally appealing to the mass market."

Representatives from the Boston-based company have made their way to the Paris Air Show, where they're preparing to reveal a very different approach to electric vertical lift aircraft, drawing on the magnetic levitation technology used in high-speed trains.

What we appear to have here is an annular lift fan arrangement. The aircraft's cabin appears to be surrounded by a huge ring-shaped duct, into which at least one large-diameter, many-bladed fan is mounted.

This circular rotor is kept frictionlessly separated from its enclosure using permanent magnets, so it's free to spin when driven. It's driven by a series of distributed, redundant electromagnetic propulsors around the rim.

The benefits here are clear: big fans with low disc loading are highly efficient, and can generate useful levels of lift at relatively low speeds. This will help keep the noise down, particularly since they're surrounded by ducts, and should stretch the hover time available from a battery compared to a smaller-fan design.

Without having yet seen the presentation, we may as well now wander off into the realm of wild speculation.

I'd be surprised if it's just a single annular fan; it seems more likely to me that there are two in there, set to counter-rotate. That'd give it a healthy dollop of additional thrust, some vertical lift redundancy, and the ability to control yaw using inertia.

MagLev Aero says this thing will be capable of efficient, high-speed cruise. So there's going to be some horizontal thrusters somewhere on this thing as well as the lift fan.

There's some thorny aerodynamic issues here; a similar-looking concept was examined by Northwestern Polytechnical University researchers Y. Jiang and B. Zhang in 2015, and they proposed the idea of closing the lift ring off with top and bottom shutters to enable smooth cruise flight with minimal drag.

The transition, however, is going to be a problem. The lift fans apparently create enormous drag in forward motion, as well as a nose-up pitching tendency. Indeed, Jiang and Zhang later proposed a flight transition strategy in which the aircraft would rise up to a high hover on the annular fan, then start up the forward propulsion while dropping down in a glide, until the shutters are closed, the thing's up to speed, and it's ready to fly on the wing alone.

It probably wouldn't be that hairy of a move from inside the cabin, but it certainly seems like it might eat up a bit of whatever energy was saved in the efficiency of the fan.

"I'm thrilled to reveal the breakthrough propulsion technology we have been working so diligently and passionately on for the past few years in stealth," said Ian Randall, co-founder and CEO of MagLev Aero, in a press release.

"The eVTOL industry has achieved many important milestones in the pursuit of urban air mobility,"said Rod Randall, MagLev Aero's co-founder and chairman. "MagLev Aero's breakthrough technology is poised to extend these successes with a ground-up designed electric propulsion platform that is purpose-built for ultra-low noise in vertical takeoff and landing, as well as cruise, and will allow industrial design that provides for a compelling user experience. We believe our HyperDriveTM innovation applies to a variety of sizes, configurations and use cases, and we look forward to working with OEMs and other partners to bring our technology to market."

We look forward to learning more!

Source: MagLev Aero

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Unless there are counter-rotating fans in there (with strategically placed ducts for attitude control) then the only other method that seems (however remotely) plausible is an ability of the 'single axial fan' converting into a centrifugal fan mid-rotation.. I suppose that's doable, especially if the blades are very symmetrical.
Is pitch control possible for a fan like that, akin to a helicopter? Or is that asking for way too much complexity?
Ornery Johnson
One big ducted fan is Just one silly pigeon away from tragedy.
The moment that an engineering product is described as “ emotionally appealing” one thinks there’s a problem with it.
A flying brushless motor with many blades, its a complement btw, less complexity hopefully less failures. It wont change the direction of evtols with redundant motors.but it might certainly become a plausible product.
Every now and then something different comes along, like this and the cyclorotor and of course traditional 4 to 8 propped Evtols is still some of the best concepts that will prevail above all in full commercial applications.
Wouldn't the fan need to transfer that lift to the craft to actually lift it ?
"Wouldn't the fan need to transfer that lift to the craft to actually lift it ?"
Am I missing something? Newton's first law (?) - to every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. So the lift fan blows downward producing an upward reaction... I'm confused.
"Am I missing something? Newton's first law (?) - to every action there's an equal and opposite reaction. So the lift fan blows downward producing an upward reaction... I'm confused. "
The comment you were replying to was talking about the fan blades being held in place by magnets. So they are not actually touching the craft. So he was wondering how the fans actually lift the craft, Newtons first law would explain how the fan blades would leave the rotar, not how they lift the object. Unless the magnet was strong enough to hold it, it would just fly up out of the craft when it hit a high speed.
eVTOL-revolution, again??? please spend eagerly, sorry, invest profitably in so called "breakthroughs". Unless it works on a powerful energy source (I don't mean any batteries), decent range and payload remains a mystery and so its business case. So maybe this good idea (?) works on a turbine?
Marco McClean
How heavy are all those permanent magnets?