Commissioned to create a home on a cramped inner-city plot in Vietnam, STD Design Consultant has managed to squeeze in a tall and skinny residence named the Chic Vid House that features an operable facade to control the ventilation and sunlight inside.
The Chic Vid House is located in a bustling area of Ho Chi Minh City, on a site measuring a mere 3.9 m (almost 13 ft) in width, though it's far longer, at 19.6 m (64 ft). The obvious response to the layout was a long and thin residence.
The exterior of the home features multiple small balcony spaces with greenery growing in built-in planters, while the operable facade takes the form of teak shutters.
"The house attracts the attention of passersby with the firmness and weight of simplicity," explained STD Design Consultant. "Foldable teak facades that can be opened and closed with sun protection, improving the house's ventilation. Translucent teak facades are chosen not only to prevent direct sunlight but also to avoid vision loss. The laterite stone used for the facade is very popular in tropical countries like Vietnam with the function of self-regulating temperature. All materials are also used as an aesthetic way to enhance the rustic appearance of the facade."

The Chic Vid House's interior is spread over five stories. The decor throughout is tasteful and muted, and furniture has been carefully arranged to flatter the narrow space. The ground floor hosts a play area, offering children a safe space to play, with the kitchen and dining area nearby, allowing their parents to keep an eye on them, while glass doors open onto the rear garden.
The upper floors, meanwhile, contain the bedrooms, the living room and an office, which boast choice views over the rooftops. The uppermost floor consists of a small rooftop terrace and dining area with a canopy for shade.
Squeezing narrow homes into awkward city plots has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rising cost of land, and some other notable examples we've seen include the Slim House in London and the similarly proportioned Breathing House elsewhere in Ho Chi Minh City.
Source: STD Design Consultant