
Polestar pledges to produce the first carbon-neutral car by 2030

Polestar has already introduced a pair of electric vehicles, but is now setting its sights on one that has no carbon footprint whatsoever
Polestar has already introduced a pair of electric vehicles, but is now setting its sights on one that has no carbon footprint whatsoever

Volvo's performance brand Polestar has made electrification a key part of its strategy ever since it first introduced a hybrid GT back in 2017, but it still sees plenty of room for improvement in terms of sustainability. The company has revealed plans for a forthcoming model that will be entirely carbon neutral, which would involve a dramatic rethink of its entire production process to avoid the "cop-out" of carbon offsetting.

Polestar currently has two vehicles in its stable, the luxury Polestar 1 GT and the all-electric Polestar 2. The hybrid and electric powertrains already place these cars ahead of many in terms of their eco-credentials, but as the company notes, the materials, manufacturing and supply chain all generate carbon emissions, which is something it would like to address.

"We’re electric, so we don’t have to worry about combustion engines producing toxic emissions – but that doesn’t mean our job is done," says Polestar’s Head of Sustainability, Fredrika Klarén. "We will now work to eradicate all emissions stemming from production. Now is a historic and exciting time for car makers, an opportunity to seize the moment, do better and dare to build the dream of climate-neutral, circular and beautiful cars.”

Described as a "moonshot," the company's Polestar 0 project aims for total climate neutrality in the production and operation of the vehicle. The automaker is setting out to achieve this not by planting trees to offset emissions, but by instead eliminating them every step along the way.

“Offsetting is a cop-out,” says Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO. “By pushing ourselves to create a completely climate-neutral car, we are forced to reach beyond what is possible today. We will have to question everything, innovate and look to exponential technologies as we design towards zero.”

Source: Polestar

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Mining for metals,and sourcing of plastics might be beyond Polestar's control. But they deserve points for their efforts.
Jean H
Are the designers aware that vehicles using more environmentally-friendly materials (as in the wiring insulation) tend to attract rodents? Months ago, a rash of stories across the country spoke of new Prius's, for example, being completely trashed, even when inside garages, by families of nesting rodents.
A bit of rhetoric from the Polestar folks... First, this is nothing like a "moonshot". NASA encountered and overcame way more obstacles in getting people on the moon than Polestar has ever faced. Second, offsetting isn't a cop out, it's an effective way to deal with inevitable carbon emissions during the transition to a 100% RE future.