The Harley Panhead Chopper ridden by Peter Fonda in the 1969 "road movie" Easy Rider sold today for US$1.35 million ($1.62 million including auction fees), more than doubling the price of the previous most expensive motorcycle ever sold at auction (a 1910 Winchester) and eclipsing the price of the most expensive motorcycle ever sold (the US$1 million "Bathing Suit" Vincent Black Shadow).
The Captain America Chopper will now sit atop our Top 100 most expensive motorcycle list, and we're predicting that it will be there for quite some time.
Prior to the auction several statements were read authenticating that the bike to be sold was indeed the sole remaining Captain America machine actually ridden in the film, (see our prior story for discussion) and bidding for the bike got away briskly with a US$1,000,000 bid, quickly escalating in $25,000 increments before slowing at US$1.3 million.

The hammer finally fell at US$1.35 million, setting a record we believe will stand for some time. For full details of the Top 100 most expensive motorcycles ever sold at auction, see our analysis of the top 100, our article on why we believe the motorcycle market is currently undervalued, and the top 100 listing.