
1-MW floating vertical axis wind turbine to be deployed off Norway

1-MW floating vertical axis wind turbine to be deployed off Norway
SeaTwirl has signed up with Westcon to build and deploy its first 1-megawatt floating wind turbine in Norway
SeaTwirl has signed up with Westcon to build and deploy its first 1-megawatt floating wind turbine in Norway
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SeaTwirl has signed up with Westcon to build and deploy its first 1-megawatt floating wind turbine in Norway
SeaTwirl has signed up with Westcon to build and deploy its first 1-megawatt floating wind turbine in Norway
SeaTwirl's design floats a vertical axis wind turbine in a static generator ring anchored to the sea floor
SeaTwirl's design floats a vertical axis wind turbine in a static generator ring anchored to the sea floor
One benefit of VAWTs is their ability to be spaced much closer to one another than HAWTs in an installation
One benefit of VAWTs is their ability to be spaced much closer to one another than HAWTs in an installation
The design will next scale to somewhere between 6-10 MW, says SeaTwirl, and it can go as big as 30 MW
The design will next scale to somewhere between 6-10 MW, says SeaTwirl, and it can go as big as 30 MW
Many of the world's best wind power resources are well offshore, in deep water
Many of the world's best wind power resources are well offshore, in deep water
A 30-kW S1 prototype has been operating for seven years now, and has proven its ability to deal with gale-force winds
A 30-kW S1 prototype has been operating for seven years now, and has proven its ability to deal with gale-force winds
A reasonably simple floating VAWT design focused on lowering LCoE
A reasonably simple floating VAWT design focused on lowering LCoE
Maintenance is simple, cheap and accessible, since the generator is close to sea level rather than right up the top of a tall tower
Maintenance is simple, cheap and accessible, since the generator is close to sea level rather than right up the top of a tall tower
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Swedish company SeaTwirl says its floating vertical-axis wind turbines have what it takes to dramatically reduce the cost of deep offshore wind energy, and it's signed a deal with Westcon to build and deploy a commercial-scale 1-MW turbine in Norway.

We've been banging on a bit about floating offshore wind turbines lately, but with good reason. Take a look at the US Energy Information Administration's projected Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) figures for 2027, on page 9 of this report. Deep offshore wind is a huge renewable energy opportunity in the race towards decarbonization, but as it stands, it's so expensive that it's going to be tough to make a business out of it. The almighty dollar will speak; if offshore wind isn't profitable, humanity won't get access to this resource.

But as has been aptly explained in our recent interviews with the hugely innovative World Wide Wind and the super-practical T-Omega Wind, part of the problem is the technology itself. Today's fan-on-a-stick offshore wind turbines, according to these innovators, are built around on-shore designs and land-based thinking that will simply never work cost-effectively out in the deep ocean. There's a massive opportunity here for fundamentally different designs to disrupt a rather sick-looking industry, deliver vastly cheaper energy from offshore wind farms, and by doing so, make a huge contribution to the clean energy revolution.

Swedish company SeaTwirl has been around for a while; we first covered it way back in 2011. Officially founded in 2012, on the back of an idea first prototyped and tested all the way back in 2007, the company has had a small, 30-kW test version of its floating turbine technology called the S1 installed off the coast of Lysekil, Sweden since 2015. Rising 13 m (43 ft) above the waterline and reaching down 18 m (59 ft) below, it's been connected to the grid and making power for seven years and counting, and has proven its ability to withstand hurricane-level wind and wave conditions.

A 30-kW S1 prototype has been operating for seven years now, and has proven its ability to deal with gale-force winds
A 30-kW S1 prototype has been operating for seven years now, and has proven its ability to deal with gale-force winds

SeaTwirl describes its design as simple and robust. It's a vertical-axis wind turbine (VAWT), a spinning cylinder as opposed to the windmill-like horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWTs) conventionally used today. VAWTs are a promising technology for floating offshore wind for a few reasons.

Firstly, they can accept and use wind from all directions, so they don't need heavy, expensive systems to point them into the breeze like HAWTs do. Secondly, they can run their generators at or below the waterline. HAWTs need to mount this heavy gear right up the top of their support towers where the main axle is, creating a top-heavy design that requires extreme tower strength and huge counterweights below the surface to keep them upright. More strength equals more materials, and more cost.

Thirdly, they can be deployed much closer together than HAWTs, since they create a minimal wake effect downwind. HAWTs need to be spaced further apart, reducing the yield from a given project area.

One benefit of VAWTs is their ability to be spaced much closer to one another than HAWTs in an installation
One benefit of VAWTs is their ability to be spaced much closer to one another than HAWTs in an installation

SeaTwirl's design rigidly mounts three VAWT blades on a long, buoyant pole with a low center of gravity and a heavy weight at the bottom acting as a keel. This sits in a static generator ring, which is anchored to the sea floor. The entire pole spins, driven by the blades as they catch the wind, and the generator harvests energy and sends it back to shore via cables.

Because the main tower itself is buoyant and held more or less upright by the keel, the generator's bearings don't have to take the weight of the whole structure. So they can be smaller, lighter and cheaper. As with other VAWT designs, maintenance should be much easier and cheaper than with HAWTs, because the bits that need the work sit down near sea level rather than up the top of enormous towers. So these can be maintained without the need for monstrously expensive crane ships.

SeaTwirl is now gearing up to build its first 1-MW version, a pilot for its first commercial product. The company has signed a letter of intent, whatever such things are worth, with offshore, energy and maritime supplier Westcon, to build and deploy its first S2x-model turbine near Bokn, in Norway. It's expected to be commissioned sometime in 2023, for a test period around five years.

SeaTwirl's design floats a vertical axis wind turbine in a static generator ring anchored to the sea floor
SeaTwirl's design floats a vertical axis wind turbine in a static generator ring anchored to the sea floor

The S2x is considerably larger – SeaTwirl describes it as some 30 times the size of the S1. It'll reach a height of some 55 m (180 ft) above the surface, and its weighted central pole will plunge down to 80-m (262-ft) depths. As such, it'll need deep water to operate in; SeaTwirl suggests at least 100 m (328 ft) if you don't want to bang it on the sea bed. It'll cut off power if the wind speed rises above 25 m/sec (56 mph, 90 km/h), but it's designed to withstand extreme wind speeds up to 50 m/s (112 mph, 180 km/h), which would correspond to the upper limits of a category-two hurricane. The company says it should have a service life around 25-30 years.

Getting down to brass tacks, how's the money side look on these things? SeaTwirl has said in the past that the 1-MW turbine will be instantly competitive.

"Analyses which have been third-party verified," reads an investor-focused presentation from at least a couple of years ago, "show that the S2 VAWT will be able to produce energy at a mature LCoE of below €50 (US$50)/MWh."

That would indeed be a huge leap forward, bringing floating offshore much closer in cost to onshore wind. Of course, it remains to be seen whether these figures hold up in an uncertain late-2020s economy.

Everyone in the wind space (with the notable exception of T-Omega) looks to scale as a way to drive costs down further, and SeaTwirl says that beyond the S2x, it's looking into a subsequent device in the 6-10 MW range, perhaps by 2025. These things will scale, the company believes, up as big as 30 MW – nearly twice the capacity of today's biggest HAWTs.

Many of the world's best wind power resources are well offshore, in deep water
Many of the world's best wind power resources are well offshore, in deep water

We'll take some convincing on this front – not that it can be done, but that it can be done economically. The 1-MW S2x floater already requires a 135-m-long (443-ft) shaft – heavily weighted at one end. Building that, getting it into the water, towed out to its spot and deployed? That's already one hell of a logistics proposition. SeaTwirl says it's not ready to talk about its installation method yet, other than to say "we are not planning to use deep water harbors." But this will absolutely be a key part of the cost. Scaling up to 10x, or 30x capacity, it's unclear just how much bigger and heavier these things will become, or how much the equipment and logistics costs will balloon out.

This is a simpler, less ambitious approach than World Wide Wind's proposal to deploy double-stacked, contra-rotating VAWTs for double the power yield. But SeaTwirl is years ahead on execution, it seems confident it can deliver a pretty similar LCoE, and if all goes to plan it'll have something of decent, commercially-relevant scale in the water proving itself by sometime next year.

The high price of deep offshore wind energy, along with materials and simulation advances, might provide the conditions under which VAWTs finally find their niche in the clean energy sector. But it's certainly going to be a challenge; developing anything out in the deep ocean is vastly tougher than doing it on land, and all the teething problems and hard lessons will be more expensive for SeaTwirl as a result. But this machine is about to get a chance to make its case, and we wish the team well.

Learn more in the detailed presentation video below.

SeaTwirl AB

Source: SeaTwirl, with a hat tip to the consistently excellent Recharge News

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When I compare the sheer mass of the SeaTwirl concept with that of T-Omega, the second seems to me to be by far the better solution.
It seems relatively plausible that the underwater part of the spar could be attached onsite (since the generator and everything else are above water. If you could also attach the vanes on-site, you'd have a relatively simple (ahem) flat-pack arrangement for getting the parts out there. These things appear to be similar in dimension (but much less massive) to offshore oil platforms.
VAWTs are much less efficient than HAWTs, 40-50% for the latter,and 11-17% efficient for the former,so for a target output,HAWT are superior.
Bright Ideas Spot (again):
I say chaps (etc), If a chap were to attach vertical fins, say 4 - 8 off, to the weighted floater tube, then ye said floater tube would have more resistance to being pulled off the vertical, and wouldn't have to be so long, and the whole thingy could be put in shallower waters, and I can justify my O Level physics (grade 4 at second attempt) at last. BUT Of course, none of anything will stop birds, off course light/any aircraft AND boats bumping into any wind turbine with the added observation, v/v conventional turbines, the revolving blade bases are so much closer to the water, (output size/output size) than the 'conventional' wind turbines. The then the consequences to the upper superstructure of, say, even a moderate coasting vessel, would be catastrophic - to both parties. + >NTS. REALLY must get out more<
Bright Ideas Spot (again, again):
I say chaps (etc), If a chap were indeed to attach vertical fins, to the weighted floater tube + with this MkII now - with tanks to fin bases with a high density thixotrophic fluid within connected by ~ half filled baffled tubes between opposing fin bases then ye said floater tube would have more resistance to being pulled off the vertical, (and tube wouldn't have to be so long as me MkI), and the whole thingy would be even more stable, and could be put in even shallower waters with the consequential prob's that that would bring, (and ye lower output v/v far out at sea, and . . . . . ...... I'm going for a wee and another cup of tea now) + >Can see a Noble Prize for this?<
This has more moving parts that can't cover as much swept/power area and 35% less efficient than a far lower parts count more efficient normal 3blade. So no it won't be more robust and inherently can't be cheaper. Just a waste of money.