
Hydraloop domestic water recycling unit almost halves your water bill

Hydraloop domestic water recycling unit almost halves your water bill
Hydraloop's US$4,000 domestic water recycling units can save 45 percent on your water bill, and they look nice too
Hydraloop's US$4,000 domestic water recycling units can save 45 percent on your water bill, and they look nice too
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Hydraloop's US$4,000 domestic water recycling units can save 45 percent on your water bill, and they look nice too
Hydraloop's US$4,000 domestic water recycling units can save 45 percent on your water bill, and they look nice too

Water is precious, as anyone who has read Dune will know, and it's getting more precious by the year here on Earth even if we're a long way from the desperate condition of planet Arrakis for the moment. Dune's "Fremen" wear stillsuits designed to recapture so much water from the human body that they can survive in the desert on less than a thimble full of fresh water a day. One can only imagine what they would think watching us take showers, and throwing hundreds of gallons of water into the sewers like so much excrement.

Dutch company Hydraloop is here to help, somewhat. Winner of this year's Best of Innovation award in the sustainability category at CES 2020, Hydraloop is a residential water recycling system that plumbs in relatively simply, and can treat some 95 percent of your shower water and 50 percent of your washing machine water – that's about 85 percent of your total domestic water use – to be re-used in your toilets, washing machines, swimming pools, gardens, hoses or anywhere else you're not going to drink it.

Hydraloop says it can save around 45 percent on your water usage and sewage output, in a low-maintenance self-cleaning unit that uses no filters of membranes that need replacing. Instead, it treats the water using sedimentation, flotation, dissolved air flotation, foam fractionation, UV disinfection and an aerobic bioreactor to clean it.

Interestingly, there are energy savings to be had as well, since Hydraloop keeps water at room temperature. That means that in cooler areas, you're not wasting heating power bringing cold water in your toilet cistern up to room temperature. The company says this energy saving alone can reduce your energy usage by up to 600 kWh annually.

If the unit detects a failure in a component, it switches off and stops feeding recycled water back in. There's a smartphone app to monitor what's going on with the Hydraloop, and bigger houses and hotels can run multiple units in parallel to handle much more throughput.

At around US$4,000 per unit, it's not super cheap. The average US household pays around $840 a year for water, so paying four grand to bring the bill down by 45 percent will take around 10 years to pay itself off and start saving you money – and that doesn't include whatever the plumbing will run you. Still, many might feel a little up-front sting is worthwhile for the benefit of saving up to 20,000 gallons (75,000 L) of fresh water per year (that's the high estimate for a four-person family). The Fremen certainly would.

The system is detailed in the video below.

Source: Hydraloop

Brian M
Doesn't really hack it at the price tag, plus there will be running costs. Maybe $1000 might make it interesting, but otherwise no.
There are plenty of folks who just plumb gray water directly to toilets. It's places like swimming pools where things get iffy (and I'm not sure I'd go for that as a "non-potable" use).
If the price were lower I would consider it. The city I live in charges for water usage and sewer. My complaint about sewer charges is that when I water the grass or wash a car I still get charged as if the water went in the sewer.
Haha, that pretty much useless video... and “affordable”??? Silliness.
The concept makes sense but the cost must fall to a quarter or less, especially since extensive custom plumbing is required.
But kudos for an article that, for once, actually includes the typical payback calculations! Well done on that.
Cool enough idea, I wouldn't worry about reusing it's output in my pool. I would, however, balk at the untold thousands it would cost me to trench lines under my concrete slab from my 2 baths and laundry to the unit. Odd this thing comes from the Netherlands, water isn't a particularly scarce commodity there!
Might be OK for the rare home owner who lives off grid and only uses rain water.
Douglas Rogers
The unit is shown installed in a high end house where it would reasonably be. As such, it doesn't make much of a dent in water usage. Desert communities used to have fixed cost or one time payment water as a move in incentive. This led people to put in trees and sod and use evaporative cooling.
Love the concept, but the use of "Hydra" in the product name seems a little unfortunate (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lernaean_Hydra): "Hydra, is a serpentine water monster in Greek and Roman mythology. [...] It had poisonous breath and blood so virulent that even its scent was deadly." lol
Even with roughly half of our rural two acre property in lawn and an automatic sprinkler system, our annual costs are well below that. I'll have to investigate whether any gray water recycling systems for RV's are available. That would be great for back country trips.
@JeffK They do exist, i.e. see: https://www.instructables.com/id/Showerloop/
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