While it's certainly helpful to have a cargo box or panniers on your bike, most such containers must either be left on semi-permanently, or are relatively easy for thieves to remove. The Fietsklik system, however, features interchangeable cargo carriers that can be quickly clicked on and off of a slim rack-mounted adapter, but also locked in place when needed.
The Fietsklik's Klik adapter can reportedly be fitted to a wide variety of existing rear racks, and stays securely attached at all times. The four different carriers, though, have integrated quick-release mechanisms which engage with one in the Klik. This makes it easy to remove and install them, although a key lock in the Klik can be used to keep them from being removed by unsavory types.
The carriers include messenger, shopping and laptop bags, along with a box known as The Crate. The latter one is particularly interesting, as it features suitcase-like wheels and a telescoping handle, allowing users to pull it along behind them when it's off the bike. It can additionally be folded down when empty, so it sticks up less in transit and storage.
Also in the works is a child seat. It already exists in prototype form, but is awaiting safety certification.

The Dutch designers of the Fietsklik system are currently raising funds for that certification, on Kickstarter. A pledge of US$99 will get you a Klik and a Crate, with higher pledge amounts required for other combos, when and if they reach production.
"The aim of Fietsklik is to give people the confidence to do a wider range of errands by bike and to feel comfortable while carrying things that they wouldn't normally think they could carry by bike," company co-founder Jonathan Akers told us. "Basically, we want to help people ride more by empowering the bike."
You can see the system in use, in the pitch video below.
Sources: Fietsklik, Kickstarter via Inhabitat