
Furry sock shoes designed for walking, running and sports

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Swiss Protection Socks are socks that can be worn like shoes
Five toe articulation
Swiss Protection Socks are multi-sport
The PVC laminated sole provides protection from rocks and sharp objects
Swiss Protection Socks can be used for running or walking
Protect your feet from pebbles and shells
Swiss Barefoot believes these are the next level of barefoot footwear
They come in both short and long varieties
Swiss Protection Socks are priced more like shoes than socks
Water, rock, sand...
They come in both short and long varieties
Five toes give you more natural comfort
Swiss Protection Socks are washable
Don't get caught off guard by sharp, painful objects lurking under the sand
Swiss Barefoot thinks you'll like their socks in water as much as on land
Swiss Barefoot thinks you'll like their socks in water as much as on land
Swiss Protection Socks are socks that can be worn like shoes
Water tends to hide the painful nasties on the bottom
Water tends to hide the painful nasties on the bottom
It may take a study or two to convince us that running in sock-shoes is beneficial
Not all sand is soft
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Swiss Protection Socks from Swiss Barefoot put a whole new spin on the barefoot movement. These are essentially big, burly socks that are designed to be worn not inside shoes, but instead of them. The manufacturer claims that the socks are hefty enough to protect your feet from the pain and dangers of walking completely barefoot.

Here we thought that current barefoot offerings like the Vibram Five Fingers and O1M One Moments were strange-looking. The Swiss Barefoot socks look like they belong below a barren stare and hospital gown in a scene from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

These five-toed sock-shoes are for real, though. The company that makes them describes them as the "first firm socks for the ultimate barefoot feeling without the risk of injury from sharp objects." They supposedly give you a more natural stride thanks to the elimination of the sole, while protecting your feet from rocks and other sharp objects with their thick bottoms. They basically split the difference between the average barefoot shoe and grippy slipper socks designed to be worn around the house.

Five toe articulation

The socks get their claims of toughness from a blend of 50 percent Kevlar (that's the stuff they make bulletproof jackets out of), 32 percent polyester, 10 percent cotton and 8 percent Spandex. The soles are laminated with naps of PVC that Swiss Barefoot says makes them cut-resistant.

Interestingly, Swiss Barefoot doesn't just see these as useful for walking around your garden or getting the paper in the morning. In its video and photos, the company depicts all types of activities, including running, rock climbing and water sports.

The socks sell for 55 euro (US$73) for the short version and 59 euro ($78) for the longs. Take a look at the video below for a little more information, and footage of people using their Protection Socks.

Source: Swiss Barefoot Company

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A shot of Novocaine in each foot and a fat paycheck and I\'ll run on the rocks too.
Bob Ehresman
Hard to imagine these providing much mileage, Kevlar or no.
Kiel Stuart (@kielrhys)
they really seem to be working the swiss angle, even the cross on the ankle straps. we all know everyone\'s a sucker for a germanic accent and high tech electro background music
my first thought would be the whole structural integrity of a shoe comes from the single piece at the toes, the minute you break that up into indivdual toes you take that strength away. sure this can be overcome by material advances, but a single piece of advanced material will be stronger yet again
i don\'t really understand the \"natural barefoot\" shoe craze, i think it\'s probably just a cultural mutant that\'s arizen from the \"green revolution\" that\'s making a timely entrance in our way of life. regular shoes work and can be improved upon, i don\'t see the point to these. they\'re not more natural, just a different profile
what\'s next, natural penis and testicle outlined pants? i just don\'t see the point, but i\'ll still give them a go (the shoes, maybe not the pants)
I have tried socks with individual toes, blinding pain.
I would try a pair of these as soon as I can get my hands on a can of NeverWet spray that\'s due out mid 2012. I would feel the need to try and protect a $70 pair of sock! The individual toe sock is big here in Japan and they feel fine to me. I\'m sure you\'d get some looks walking around town in socks. I\'d use them at the beach.
Doug Finner
@gimeney - I know a few people who have started running in \'feet\' shoes and they are quite enthusiastic about the change. The main thing that happens is that the shoes force you to change your gate and stop punding your heel into the pavement and adopt a gate that puts less strain on the foot, ankle, and leg. The runners I know who use these are not touchy feely green whole grain types; they\'re serious physical fitness nuts and these shoes are making a real difference to them. I use them around the house and in the woods and find them more comfortable than regular shoes. I also find that I can walk more quietly since my foot has a better \'feel\' for the ground. Give them a try; I think you\'ll like them. Do NOT buy on line - go to a store where they can help you get fitted.
Carlos Grados
I would love to try them out. Hope to see them soon here.
These make sandals look smart.
@Gimeny - The reason these \'bare foot shoes\' are around is because they help develop muscles in your feet and ankles as you would better being barefoot. But because it\'s just stupid and dangerous to go everywhere and do everything barefoot, they\'re giving an alternative.
You may not see the benefits yourself, but not everything is made for 100% of the population.
These are great for so many different aspects in fitness including general workouts (as are the Vibram Five Fingers)
Feet are much like hands. Muscles and grip can be developed so far, yet you need to use them in different ways for that to happen... using these for something such as mountain climbing would be incredible because not only will you get better grips with your feet, but you\'ll develop the muscles a lot more just like your hands do the same.
Flipider Comm
What if the grip is so good and your feet side out of the $73 sock, you lose your balance and get hurt.