Only a select few already have Google Glass in their hands ... or, rather, on their faces. But if you are an early owner of Glass, you’re much better off with an Android phone, as an iPhone can do little more than route calls to the smartglasses. That may soon change, though, with some help from the jailbreak community.
As the folks at 9to5Mac tell us, developer Adam Bell has been tinkering with Google Glass and his jailbroken iPhone. The result? He can now route all iPhone notifications – iMessages, emails, tweets, etc. – to Google Glass’ heads-up display.
As you’ll see in the video below, it works as you’d expect it to. After a few seconds of delay, any iOS notification will pop up on Glass. You can swipe through the notifications on Glass, as if it were an officially supported solution.
MyGlass replacement

Speaking of which, this functionality works out of the box on Android – via Google’s MyGlass app. There isn’t yet an official Glass app for iOS, so iPhone-owning Glass owners were left with limited features. Or at least they were before this tweak came along.
It’s possible that the App Store will eventually get a MyGlass app, but given Apple’s strict guidelines – and its dicey relationship with Google – we wouldn’t expect to see it before Glass ships to the general public.
... and honestly, that makes sense: Glass gets a lot of attention these days, but only a very small portion of people actually have it. If they can each pay US$1,500 for the wearable computer, surely they can also spring for an Android phone.
Availability, video
Bell plans on uploading the tweak to GitHub within the next few days, and might also eventually release it in Cydia. You can see more of this tweak in the video below.Source: 9to5Mac