Wellness & Healthy Living

Do mobile phones cause brain cancer? New study has definitive answers

A new study involving 11 investigators from 10 countries should put the cell phone/cancer debate to rest
Depositphotos/New Atlas
A new study involving 11 investigators from 10 countries should put the cell phone/cancer debate to rest
Depositphotos/New Atlas

The relationship between mobile phone use and an increased risk of brain cancer is a debate that's been around almost as long as mobile phones themselves. A huge study from the WHO that's just been released should put the question to rest.

In 1993, a Florida man named David Reynard alleged that radiation from cell phone use contributed to his wife's death from brain cancer. Reynard sued NEC America, the company that made his wife's phone, claiming that the phone "was equipped with an antenna so positioned as to cause exposure to microwave radiation in an excessive and unsafe amount to the portion of the brain where the tumor was found."

Even though that lawsuit was dismissed in 1995, the widely covered case was enough to plant the idea of cancer-causing cell phones in the popular imagination for decades.

Adding to the idea that mobile phones posed a cancer risk was the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) in conjunction with the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen in 2011. Then, a rodent study in 2016 concluded that the radiation emitted by the devices caused cancer in the brains and adrenal glands of mice and rats.

Still, over the years, the link between mobile phone radiation and cancer has always been a little iffy. Now the WHO has released a large study that will likely put the issue to rest. The study, which was led by researchers from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) looked at over 5,000 other studies and found 63 published between 1994 and 2022 to include in their final analysis.

They concluded that even though mobile phone use has skyrocketed in the last 20 years, there has not been a corresponding increase in brain cancers or any other head and neck cancers – even among those who use their cell phones the most and for periods longer than 10 years. The study-of-studies also looked at exposure to the radio waves from cell phone towers and at occupations in which people are subjected to more radio frequency radiation at work and, again, found no link with cancer.

"This is a review and combined analysis of studies assessing whether radio frequencies increase the risk of cancers in people," said Mark Elwood, an honorary Professor of Cancer Epidemiology at the University of Auckland, who was a study co-author. "Radio frequencies (RF) refers to electromagnetic energy in the wavelengths of 300 Hz to 300 GHz, that is, a lower frequency and lower energy than visible light. RF is used for mobile phones and radio and TV. It is also used in baby monitors, Wi-Fi connections, radar, and many industrial and medical uses."

Sound findings

The findings, of course, make sense, considering that some research pegs cell phone use in America alone at four hours and 37 minutes daily, and other data shows that about three-quarters of the world's population now use the devices. With that kind of massive mobile phone usage, you'd expect to see brain cancers spiking significantly if the radiation they caused was carcinogenic, but that's simply not the case. In fact, the researchers say, brain cancer rates have remained more or less flat since 1982.

"When the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radio wave exposure as a possible carcinogen to humans in 2011 it was largely based on limited evidence from human observational studies,’ said ARPANSA's Ken Karipidis. "This systematic review of human observational studies is based on a much larger dataset compared to that examined by the IARC, that also includes more recent and more comprehensive studies, so we can be more confident in the conclusion that exposure to radio waves from wireless technology is not a human health hazard."

The study's findings have been published in the journal Environmental International.


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Uncle Anonymous
This will not stop the conspiracy theorists from ranting about the evil danger of cell phones and how "they" are using this technology against the public.
Captain Obvious
5G usage reduces the power levels since it is more focused and antennas can be closer to users. The power from towers is much less than what radiates from a user's own cell phone, so being closer can reduce the power needed. That increases battery run time. Of course if you put it in a "shielding pouch" it cranks up the power so that it can still reach the tower, thus defeating the purpose. It is very hard to convince the paranoids of this.
It is 23 years since physics Professor Robert L. Park (University of Maryland, now deceased) published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute why cellphone radio waves cannot induce cancer. It is not a difficult technical read. If interested, the reference is: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 93, No. 3, February 7, 2001. By the way, it doesn't matter whether it is 3G, 4G, 5G, etc. For the record, I'm a retired physicist (industrial).
Great! How about low dose radar waves emitted by a speed sensing device? Same thing?
While correlation does not always indicate causation, statistical analysis of the frequency of reported cancers of the head and neck definitely show a very low correlation between cell phone usage and the incidence of head and neck cancers. Given the explosion in cell phone usage, with no explosion in the number of cancer diagnosis one must realize that the original lawsuit was filed on behalf of a loving widower in his grief. In other words, you are as likely to suffer brain cancer by using your cell phone repeatedly as you are of getting hit by a piece of a meteorite while out walking. Our planet suffers hundreds of small meteor strikes each year- yet we are quite safe!
Eh? Who puts their phone near their head? How can I read the screen and watch videos if it's pressed up against my ear? Anyone out there with finger cancer?
@anthony88, yeah, how many people even make phone calls anymore? I average about one per week. Half the people that do just put it on speaker and hold it directly in front of their face now, annoying everyone in a 20ft radius. If there was an actual problem I'd expect to see a rise in cancers in the hand and hip areas, not the brain.
1stClassOPP : Yes,there was a spike in testicular cancer cases among cops who used hand held radar guns,as they had a habit of resting their guns in their laps between speed readings. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8213849/
It "should" put it to rest, but given that the power output of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone is limited to 3 watts, about what one would get out of a bright flashlight, only half of which would be radiated towards the body, which has an 8 GHz skin depth of around a centimeter (meaning that roughly 2/3 of that is absorbed before it gets through the skull and surface tissue even if you hold the phone right up to your ear. It's always been like saying that holding a feeble dying flashlight to your skull causes e.g. brain cancer, where the only meaningful effect of absorption of the RF energy is to very, very slightly heat the tissue. Oh wait! The brain generates roughly 20-25 watts all by itself, all of the time! So this rate of energy delivery isn't even enough to change the range, and is only delivered at all intermittently and for relatively short periods! And the human body is homeothermic (ESPECIALLY the brain) and alters its own heat dispersal mechanisms to ensure that the brain does NOT overheat, even when it is hot and sunny outside and thermal energy inflow from tens of watts of solar energy are occurring because you failed to wear a hat and were partly bald! Sunlight, of course, DOES contain ionizing radiation and DOES have the capacity to cause cancer and our bodies guard against even that to a greater or lesser extent with melanin!
It NEVER made any sense, in other words -- even at the back-of-the-envelope level. Now there is definitive evidence of -- a null result. Which those that need to hear the most are precisely the stupid, paranoid fraction of the population that doesn't actually use evidence-based reasoning in the first place, and thinks that all of the evidence science they've been exposed to in school is part of a giant conspiracy to take them away from (fill in the deity of your choice).
Dark Dove
I figured out this decades ago, as people would be dropping dead with all the cell phone usage. I remember here in LA LA Land, when they went to wireless meter reading and all the progressives were so scared. Same thing with the new G5 towers near their condos - still waiting to see them drop like flies. As for the dude asking about radar. Cops use to put their radar guns between their legs in the 80s (still on), and some got testicular cancer - thus they moved away from that and to lasers. I live next to LAX, lots of radar used to track planes, haven't died yet.