November 22, 2007 Honda UK has announced the launch of a new Internet TV portal that will deliver on-demand viewing of the company's films, video clips and adverts including a closer look at Honda's cars, driving tips and racing coverage.
Short films from other sectors within the company will also be featured including a piece on ASIMO (the humanoid robot that will be the face of the channel) and special edition ‘making of’ videos for recent commercials.
Developed by broadcast specialists Zype, the portal features minimal text, simplified navigation system and the ability to suggest related videos following each viewing to save the user returning to a full search. The site requires a broadband connection and Internet Explorer 6 or 7 users don't need to download any extra software (there's also a version for the Firefox browser in development).
Honda also aims to evolve the TV service to include Person-to-Person communication between customers and a Honda representative via live images on their computer screen.
A link to Honda TV will be available via the Honda UK site.