Submersible scooters have become one of the most popular gadgets for watersport enthusiasts, and the latest out to do the paddling for you is a compact pocket rocket from Japanese makers Surando Tech.
The Surando, currently part of a Kickstarter campaign with an estimated delivery set for October 2023, is simple and sweet: a four-blade propeller with safety guard, three gears controlled by thumb pressure on the steering handles and a top speed of 2 m/s (6.6 ft/s).
Capable of a maximum depth of 60 m (197 ft), it can accommodate serious divers, including cave and wreck divers, as well as snorkelers and anyone who wants to clock an Olympics-final-worthy lap at the local pool.
It can also be mounted on a kayak, paddle board or canoe, which looks incredibly fun, and more than a little practical for when you’re struggling against a tide or current. It’s a little unclear just how it mounts, however.

It takes about three hours to fully charge its 7,200-mAh battery, which will give you around 60 minutes of continuous cruising time. Underwater photographers can also mount accessories such as a GoPro and lighting on the scooter.
One of its best assets, though, is its size; it's very compact, designed to fit in the side pocket of a backpack, and is approved for airline cabin luggage storage (as long as you have 3 kg (6.5 lb) to spare).

The most basic pledge kit includes a Surando and charging gear, and is JP¥55,385 (around US$390).
Check out this video to see it in action.
Source: Kickstarter