Body & Mind

Graphene electronic-tattoo monitors blood pressure over time

Graphene electronic-tattoo monitors blood pressure over time
The graphene-based e-tattoo sticks to the skin non-invasively and can monitor a patient's blood pressure over time
The graphene-based e-tattoo sticks to the skin non-invasively and can monitor a patient's blood pressure over time
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The graphene-based e-tattoo sticks to the skin non-invasively and can monitor a patient's blood pressure over time
The graphene-based e-tattoo sticks to the skin non-invasively and can monitor a patient's blood pressure over time

Scientists have developed a new electronic “tattoo” that can monitor a patient’s blood pressure continuously. The e-tattoo is made of graphene and can be worn for long periods without getting in the way, allowing for better health data.

Having the cuff tightened around your arm in the doctor’s office is the standard method of measuring blood pressure, but it’s not the most reliable way. It’s only a single data point that doesn’t necessarily capture the whole picture, and it can be influenced by a person’s mood at the time.

Continuous monitoring is needed to really understand how the body is functioning, but that’s hard to do outside of the clinic. Smartwatches and fitness trackers may seem like the answer, but they aren’t reliable enough to handle the job just yet – they tend to move around, and are too simple.

So for the new study, researchers at Texas A&M and the University of Texas at Austin developed a less invasive device that can measure blood pressure over time. The device is what’s called an e-tattoo, made up of a graphene sensor encased in a sticky material that’s apparently comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time, and doesn’t move around. Other e-tattoos have been designed to monitor cardiac patients' hearts, vital signs during exercise, or muscles of neurodegenerative patients.

The new device makes its blood pressure measurements using a new method, so the team had to develop machine learning models to analyze the readings. It works by firing an electrical current into the skin and measuring how the body reacts – a value called bioimpedance, which has an indirect correlation with blood pressure that the new models can calculate.

In tests, the e-tattoo was able to accurately monitor blood pressure in arteries for more than 300 minutes. Ultimately, the team hopes to develop the tech into e-tattoos that can be worn by patients long-term to measure their blood pressure in a range of situations, including sleeping, exercise, and during stress. That data is important to help diagnose or monitor health conditions.

The research was published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

Source: University of Texas at Austin

"It’s only a single data point that doesn’t necessarily capture the whole picture," Around 30 years ago we performed a trial to lower patient's BP. As part of process we used a "Dynamap" - an automated BP machine that could take BP's automatically at set time intervals. We found that most BP measurements when taken by a physician or nurse were wildly out of synch with the BP's taken over a 30 minute period with the patient lying on a comfortable bed in a quiet room without a second person in the room.

I believe that it is quite likely that patient's who have treatment based on 1-3 measurements by a second person in a medical setting are NOT receiving optimal measurement / treatment and I can readily see the huge technical advance detailed in this article that seems to have or about to be made.
Does it have to be made from Graphene or can something actually already in the mainstream do the same job at a fraction of the price?