
Sometimes pets need some love and affection, sometimes they need to be fed, sometimes they need some play, and other times they can go wandering and need to be tracked down. Here you'll find gadgets and devices designed to meet all these needs and more.

Latest News

  • Companion Collar combines Bluetooth and GPS to track pets near and far

    November 05, 2020
    A new prototype Companion Collar smart collar is being developed by the CSIRO's digital specialist arm, Data61, and agtech company Ceres Tag that will allow pet owners to track their animal across both long and short distances.
  • Kibus automatically serves up hot meals ... for dogs

    October 16, 2020
    While some dog owners feed their pooches raw food instead of kibble, others have switched to dehydrated dog food. The Spanish-designed Kibus device works with the latter, automatically rehydrating it with hot water and serving it at meal times.
  • Pumpkii robot uses swappable modules to entertain pets

    August 12, 2020
    Most futurists probably never saw it coming, but there are now several commercially available robots designed to entertain pets while their owners are at work. One of the latest, known as Pumpkii, features a unique modular design.
  • Pheromones can help cats and dogs under the same roof get along

    August 11, 2020
    A new study has explored how pheromones could lead to more harmonious relationships between cats and dogs, and found that a couple of currently available examples can have a calming effect for pairs of pets living in the same household.
  • KittySpring fountain keeps your cat's water supply full and fresh

    August 07, 2020
    KittySpring is a more sophisticated solution for cat owners with thirsty and clumsy pets, consisting of a gravity-fed fountain that keeps the water supply fresh and uses a stable base to avoid spillage and puddles.
  • Doggy device sets out to be the Swiss Army Knife of leashes

    May 28, 2020
    If you're walking your dog at night, in hot weather or for long distances, you sometimes need more than just a leash. That's where the GoGoLeash comes in, as it combines several functions in one device – or more accurately, in two.
  • Autonomous robot keeps cats entertained while you're away

    November 21, 2019
    Coming home to see your cat still lying in the same spot it was when you left that morning, it’s easy to assume they’re pretty happy with nothing to do. But they do get bored and need exercise. Enter Ebo, a new cat companion robot now on Kickstarter.
  • Dog-riding connected camera lets owners keep tabs on their pets

    August 15, 2019
    ​Yes, you're right. GoPro does already make an actioncam harness-mount for dogs (as does Sony, for that matter). The currently-crowdfunding PetNow system, however, offers a few additional features for people wishing to see the world from their canine's perspective.
  • HoofStep keeps tabs on wandering horses' habits

    March 01, 2019
    ​Horses aren't like dogs. Whereas the one is always around the house, the other spends much of its time off in a pasture. So, how is a horse-owner supposed to keep track of what their animal is doing? Well, a group of Swedish entrepreneurs believe that their HoofStep system is the answer.
  • GomiBall is made to give pets a run for your money

    January 28, 2019
    ​If you're like most dog- or cat-owners, you don't like leaving your critter at home alone all day. As a result, we've seen several robotic pet-entertaining devices recently hit the crowdfunding platforms. While some feature cameras or treat-dispensers, GomiBall keeps things simple.
  • Automated dog toilet presents packaged poop

    January 25, 2019
    ​Although it's certainly best if dogs are trained to relieve themselves outdoors, there can be situations – such as if they're left home alone all day – in which they've just gotta go inside. Created by Austin, Texas-based Newton's Box, Inubox is designed to let them do so without any mess.
  • Artificially-intelligent pet bowl is made to prevent food-theft

    January 09, 2019
    ​If you own multiple dogs and/or cats, then you may be familiar with the problem of one animal "stealing" food from another's bowl. Italian artificial intelligence firm Volta has set out to keep that from happening, with its pet-recognizing Mookkie.
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