
First retina created from stem cells could help millions

In another world first in the fight against degenerative eye disorders, scientists from the Universtiy of California, Irvine, have created an eight-layer early-stage retina from human embryonic stem cells. Not only is this the world's first three-dimensional complex tissue structure to be made from stem cells, but it also marks the first step toward the development of transplant-ready retinas to treat eye disorders affecting millions.

The retina is the part of the eye that records images and sends them from the eye to the brain via the optic nerve. Building on a process designed in a previous study, researchers created multiple cell types using microscopic gradients for solutions in which to bathe the stem cells and initiate specific differentiation paths.

"Creating this complex tissue is a first for the stem cell field," said Hans Keirstead, study leader of the Reeve-Irvine Research Center and the Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center at UCI. "Dr. Gabriel Nistor in our group addressed a really interesting scientific problem with an engineering solution, showing that gradients of solutions can create complex stem cell-based tissues. We made a complex structure consisting of many cell types. This is a major advance in our quest to treat retinal disease. What’s so exciting with our discovery is that creating transplantable retinas from stem cells could help millions of people, and we are well on the way.”

The UCI researchers are still testing the retinas in animal models and hope that if they significantly improve vision that they could proceed to human clinical trials.

In a previous study the scientists had designed and tested the differentiation technique. The results of this work has gone on to form the foundation for the world's first clinical trials using stem cell-based therapy for acute spinal injury.

China, rising star of regenerative medicine, has had some success in improving eye cataracts with stem cell-based therapy, and there have been advances in addressing blindness in one or both eyes with the use of contact lenses applied with healthy stem cells but this is the first to address retinal disorders with stem cell therapy.

More than 10 million people in the USA alone suffer from “macular degeneration,” which is the leading cause of blindness in people over fifty-five. Furthermore, 100,000 people suffer from retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive, genetic disorder, so the impact of such research could be a significant step in combating these degenerative disorders.

The study was published in the Journal of Neuroscience Methods and was the joint effort of Dr Gabriel Nistor, Magdalene J. Seiler, Fengrong Yan, David Ferguson, and was supported by The Lincy Foundation and private donations.

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this is very exciting. i\'ve been learning to adapt to an ever changing visual world since my first retinal detachment - since then, its been an ever changing landscape of new retinal issues. once the esteemed Dr Pulafito walked by the exam room & stopped in his tracks because he caught sight of the photos of my retina and commented, \"your the interesting retina patient\" - new retinas? can i take a place in line?
David Reagan
\"Not only is this the world\'s first three-dimensional complex tissue structure to be made from stem cells...\"
Did the research for this article look at adult stem cell research and treatments? I don\'t know if adult stem cells can even create \"three-dimensional complex tissue structure\'s\", but I do know that they have been successfully used to cure several diseases.
Specifically, Russell Turnbull had his damaged eye cured by an adult stem cell treatment. See:
Basically, is it really the \"world\'s first\'? Or did adult stem cells beat them too it?
Plus, I thought I\'d advertise a bit for adult stem cells since they don\'t get the press they deserver. Embryonic stem cells have few if any actual results, adult stem cells are already proven effective.
Małgorzata Piotrowska
ja jestem babcia blizniaczek urodzonych w 27 tygodniu obie sa niewidome poniewaz maja retinopatie 5 stopnia sa po 4 operacjach ale ponoc siatkowki sie zwinely spowrotem chodz jednej na jedno oczko zalozono opaske dziewczynki maja 2,5 roczki szukamy jakich kolwiek pomocy jest ciezko a moze ktos lub juz w najblizszym czasie stwozy cos co pomoze moim wnuczka bardzo prosze o jakies dane gdzie mozna sie zwrocic o pomoc i czy jest nadzieja jakas ze kiedy kolwiek cos zobacza
Google translation: I am a grandmother of twins born at 27 weeks both are blind because they have five degree retinopathies are the four operations, but volleyball They say come on back in August packed up one of one eye girl band was founded in May 2.5 roczki looking for any sort of aid is hard and maybe someone or already in the near future stwozy something that will help my granddaughter very please have any information where to turn for help and if there is hope for some sort of something you ever behold.