In surely the tech innovation of the year so far, the team behind the Solowheel electric unicycle has unveiled a learning aid that sweeps away all competition. The Solowheel Brush deploys large brushes where you might expect trainer wheels, providing similar stability but without inhibiting steering.
"Although many people have switched from driving a car to riding Solowheel," explains Solowheel, "many more have not because they believed that they cannot learn how to ride it" — which is almost certainly true for at least some of the Earth's billions of non-Solowheel users.
It gets better. The Solowheel Brush is adjustable, so it can be used with the various unicycles Solowheel makes and their various pedal sizes. And it's comprised of aluminum fixtures as well as vertical bristled matrices – or in other words a pair of brushes.
The problem the Solowheel Brush solves is in overcoming the hesitance of those new to the Solowheel, as mastering the side-to-side balancing and steering can be both daunting and tricky. So stable are the brushes that the Solowheel can go by itself, with no rider, with them attached.

Solowheel has launched a Kickstarter campaign for its Solowheel Brush, and is looking for US$15,000 to make it happen. Brushes can be had for $69, with offers of $49 and $59 for the first backers. The campaign's off to a modest start, but with 29 days remaining there's still plenty of time for the Solowheel Brush to clean up.
For those cautious about backing crowdfunding campaigns, Solowheel offers reassurning words filed under risks and challenges: "Honestly… it's a brush. If we get funding, we should definitely be able to make it."
As a bonus, Solowheel Brush is ideal for cleaning up parallel lines of dust or dirt, plus judging by the video below, it makes a very pleasing swooshing noise as you ride by. But no – it doesn't go broom.
Joking aside, sink or swim, there's the quiet touch of genius here.
Sources: Solowheel, Kickstarter