Video game prices at auction are at unprecedented levels – but only sealed video games get those prices and with video game antiquity so recent, and video game arcades past their prime, many historically significant machines are being ignored and undervalued.
Atari's first three video arcade games tell a fascinating story of rapid evolution: the first ("Computer Space" - 1971), the game it inspired ("Pong" - 1972) and the sequel to Pong ("Space Race" - 1973) which introduced the arcade world to the joystick.
It's time to dust off your old Atari cartridges as the company again tries to tap into gaming nostalgia with an updated version of its iconic Atari 2600, which will ship with a 10-in-1 cartridge but also supports legacy 2600 and 7800 game cartridges.
Atari’s latest attempt at reclaiming relevance is by rehashing its original success story – Pong. Once a mainstay of arcades everywhere, the legendary game has now been shrunk down into a portable “table” as the Mini Pong Jr.
It's a tough time to launch a new hotel and you could be forgiven for wondering if the Atari Hotels line would be quietly dropped. Instead it continues to build momentum, with Gensler now involved and some renders of a hotel in Las Vegas revealed.
When people think of Atari, most probably think of its classic video games, or maybe even its upcoming Atari VCS console, but perhaps we'll soon be able to add hotels to the list too. It has agreed to lend its name to a new line of hotels in the USA.
Analogue's latest release, the Pocket, plays host to games for all the classic portables you can shake a pixelated stick at: Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance, Sega Game Gear, Atari Lynx, Neo Geo Pocket Color – "and more."
The upcoming Atari VCS will come with an exclusive version of Antstream Arcade, a subscription service that’s like a Netflix of retro games.
The most interesting upcoming consoles might just be those from 80s relics like Atari and Intellivision. The latter has now fleshed out its plans to get back in the game with the Amico, its new console that, we have to say, is a strange beast indeed.
Owners of Model S, X or 3 Teslas will soon be receiving a fun software update that puts classic Atari games like Pole Position on the touchscreen, using the steering wheel as a controller, as well as adding a “party & camper mode” that promises to make electrics the kings of the tailgate party.
Gaming relic Atari is jumping back into the console wars. The company has been drip-feeding us details about its new machine, the Atari VCS, for almost a year. Now, ahead of a full reveal at the end of the month, Atari has spilled some of the beans regarding games, specs and a release window.
After 20 years as a software company, Atari made the surprising announcement during E3 that it was planning to step back into the hardware business with a new console called the Ataribox. Details are scant, but the company has now drip-fed the first images and tantalizing tidbits to the public.
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