In most hotels, if the room temperature drops below freezing, there's going to be complaints to the manager – however in the Icehotel that's the whole point. It features sub-zero suites that are decorated with weird and wonderful frozen sculptures.
Vidde has introduced its pre-series all-electric Alfa snowmobile with the bold claim that it's the cleanest snowmobile in the world. The 174-hp Alfa powers up in temperatures below -30 °F, slashing through snow for 60 miles a charge.
Every December, Sweden's Icehotel hosts chilly hotel rooms that are decorated with wonderfully creative ice sculptures. This year's selection of frozen art ranges from nature scenes to abstract forms depicting the birth of a star.
In most hotels, if the temperature dropped to -5 °C inside the room, there would be complaints made to the front desk, but that's the whole point of Sweden's Icehotel. The annual attraction is now open and is defined by amazing ice sculpted art.
Each December, the Icehotel is host to frozen bedrooms filled with amazing ice sculptures for a few months, before it all melts away into a puddle. This year's iteration contains a selection of icy artworks ranging from the abstract to the sublime.
Each year, the village of Jukkasjärvi in Swedish Lapland is host to the Icehotel. Now in its 30th iteration, the chilly retreat features amazing new ice sculptures, including animals, nature scenes, and one very strange pair of hands.
It's that time of year again: the Swedish town of Jukkasjärvi is playing host to the annual Icehotel. Now in its 29th iteration, the frozen accommodation features amazing all-new handmade ice sculptures, including a classic VW bus, a candy store, and an underwater scene.
Each year for 17 years now, Kittilä, in Finnish Lapland, hosts a temporary hotel sculpted from ice and snow called the SnowVillage. This year's theme is the TV show Game of Thrones, and it boasts impressive sculptures including a White Walker and the Iron Throne.
The town of Jukkasjärvi in northern Sweden is home to an annual hotel made from snow and ice. Now in its 28th edition, the Icehotel features 15 rooms boasting impressive frozen sculptures. Highlights include a space-themed room and another dominated by a strange ice queen.
The Icehotel, built annually in Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, has always been as fleeting as it is beautiful, eventually melting away to nothing. Joining the 27th Icehotel this year, though, is Icehotel 365 – a newly opened hotel made of ice that will stay open all year round as the others come and go.
Every winter in Sweden, a magical hotel is constructed out of ice and filled with glittering ice sculptures and artworks. Then it melts away when temperatures rise. This year, though, an extra Icehotel is being constructed and the arctic circle's 24/7 summer sun will help it to stay cool.
Jukkasjärvi, Sweden, is hosting the 26th edition of its famous Icehotel. The hotel is made from 4,000-5,000 tons (3,629-4,536 tonnes) of ice and boasts chandeliers made from 1,000 hand-cut ice-crystals. This year, an African elephant, a Gothic ice cave and 1970s Love Capsule await guests.
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