Rezvani specializes in luxury vehicular protection. That means bullet- and bomb-proof while relaxing with the best comforts money can buy. The 2025 Vengeance has the goods Bond would be proud of.
We're not sure anyone ever looked at the smoke-spewing Rezvani Tank XUV and thought it needed more work. But Rezvani keeps going more "xtreme," anyway, blowing the back off to create the Hercules 6x6 pickup.
The Hercules 6x6 is coming, placing an extra rotating dollop of rough-hewn testosterone on each side of what was already the world's most outrageously overcompensatory SUV. And yes, it'll have a Military Edition loaded with James Bond gadgets.
Nobody this side of Howe & Howe knows how to overcompensate like the Rezvani team, and the new Tank X is so brutally macho that you'd need to be Dwayne Johnson to hang your arm out the window and look right. Starting at US$349,000, meet your new 1,000-horsepower off-road hyper-SUV.
Last year's Rezvani Tank was a pretty extreme build - an xtreme utility vehicle (XUV!). But it was not extreme enough to sate Rezvani for long. Now the California shop has dropped Dodge's 6.2-liter Hellcat engine into the bay, cranked things up by more than 200 hp and created the Tank X.
Anyone who felt Rezvani's original Tank XUV (eXtreme Utility Vehicle) was a touch underdone can now stump up US$295,000 or more for a Military Edition, complete with bulletproof armor, thermal and night vision systems, a smoke bomb button and a 707-hp Hellcat engine.
Previously known solely ever more powerful sports cars built atop existing bones, Rezvani surprised the automotive world when it announced it had a hardcore 4x4 deep in the works. Today, it drove that 4x4, called the Tank, out into the light, revealing its "xtreme utility vehicle (XUV)".
Rezvani has made a name for itself unleashing one powerful beast after another onto the streets. Now it's preparing to set a new beast free in the roadless wilds. Rezvani's first utility vehicle promises to be a rugged, off-road-centric body-on-frame 4x4.
With a name like Beast Alpha, the latest car to come out of Rezvani would want to be fast. Thankfully, it looks like the Alpha has earned its moniker, with more than 500 horsepower and clever pop-out SideWinder doors.
Its 500-hp Beast is no slouch, but Rezvani Motors believes there are at least five customers out there willing to spend double the price on a suped-up, twin-turbo roadster. For them, there's the all-new Beast X.
The Rezvani Beast is now entering production and has a revised look, an Apple CarPlay-based infotainment system, and a few other new tricks up its sleeve.
The Ariel Atom's grown-up go-kart look and design are not for everyone. For those that want Atom-level performance with the styling of a full-fledged sports car, Rezvani presents the all-new BEAST. Ariel bones and organs get the skin of a proper sports car.