Whether you're running one of the first commercial foiling e-ferry services or not, it's important for your vessels to be on time. And right on schedule, Vessev's VS-9 has now officially joined the largest ferry operator in New Zealand.
Back in May, Vessev began sea trials of an foiling e-ferry billed as "the Rivian of the sea." A partnership was then inked with New Zealand's largest ferry company, and now commercial approval has been granted. Tickets for the first rides are on sale.
A remarkable semi-submersible ecotourism concept that takes passengers above and below the water has just received a zero-emission boost thanks to a new partnership between Platypus Craft and electric outboard manufacturer Evoy.
Ski-doo is known for its snowmobiles. Yellowstone National Park is known for its geysers, wildlife, and herds of tourists in the summer. When you combine them both, Ski-doo and Yellowstone delivers a real bucket-list outdoor adventure experience.
Finland may be known as the happiest country on the planet. But right now, if any residents want to leave their paradise to travel to certain parts of the UK, they can ditch their paper passport and use a smartphone instead.
Haptic Architects and Oslo Works have revealed plans to transform a parking lot in Norway into a new tourist attraction. It will be centered around a "Fjordarium," with underwater galleries providing superb views of the local marine life.
Expanding its Island Solar Transit System, Ride Solar has converted a 1967 Montreal Expo water taxi into a solar-powered cruise vessel for sight-seeing tours of Charlottetown Harbour on Prince Edward Island, which are due to begin from May.
When conducting cruises in remote areas, eco-conscious guides don't always have the option of charging their electric boat from an existing grid. The Folkloric Explorer eBoat was designed with that fact in mind, as it can be completely solar-charged.
Oregon's Arcimoto has agreed to supply tourism company GoCar with 310 electric Fun Utility Vehicles that will include autonomous driving technologies developed by Faction. The first vehicles will launch a pilot program in Las Vegas next year.
You'll have to pilot this next-gen aircraft yourself – although that'll be easier than you'd think. Lift Aircraft says it'll take you less than an hour to learn to fly its Hexa eVTOL, and then you're off on a unique and spectacular sightseeing trip.
Studio Other Spaces has completed its latest project above the rooftops of Paris. The Seeing City project occupies the top two floors of Préfecture de Paris, offering visitors an immersive architectural experience amid the skyline of Paris
Back in 2016, U-Boat Worx revealed a double-bubble tourist submersible named the Cruise Sub that could take up to nine people deep below the ocean waves. Now the company has unveiled an all-acrylic sibling with a single egg-shaped observation window.
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