Ordinarily, riding an electric scooter doesn't feel that much like riding a Jet Ski. Germany-based entrepreneur Oguzhan Abayrak has set out to make it more so, though, with his Uready tilting e-trike.
Currently in functioning prototype form, the Uready features an aluminum frame that allows riders to lean into turns. It also has a 500-watt front hub motor, along with front and rear disc brakes.
Utilizing a thumb throttle switch, users can attain a top speed of 20 km/h (12 mph). One charge of the removable frame-integrated lithium battery should reportedly be good for a range of about 35 km (22 miles), although that can be doubled by adding an optional second battery.

Riders stand on a couple of fold-down footrests. When parking the trike, they can lock its frame to keep it upright, plus they can engage a parking brake to keep the thing from rolling away. What's more, Abayrak tells us that he and his team are working on making the vehicle foldable.
Plans call for an initial run of 45 trikes to be manufactured, hopefully followed by larger-scale production. A Kickstarter campaign has been launched to raise funds, with a pledge of €3,900 (about US$4,692) required for a trike with one battery – shipping should take place in September, if everything goes according to plans. In the meantime, you can see the Uready in action, in the video below.
Another tilting e-trike, the Tris Bike, put the two wheels in front and used its motor to augment the rider's pedalling power … but it failed to meet its Kickstarter goal.
Source: Kickstarter