
Polestar's sleek spaceship-like treehouse lands in a Finnish forest

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The Koja is installed in a Finnish forest at a height of 6 m (19.6 ft) above the ground
The Koja is installed in a Finnish forest at a height of 6 m (19.6 ft) above the ground
The Koja features generous glazing, framing views of the surrounding forest and ensuring ample natural light permeates within
The Koja is mounted to a tree that runs through its center
The Koja consists of just one room, however a separate bathroom is installed nearby in case nature calls
The Koja's furniture was chosen by Polestar and designer Kristian Talvitie to reflect both Scandinavian design standards and Polestar's own aesthetic
The Koja consists of a primarily CLT (cross-laminated timber) structure, which is supported by an iron framework
The Koja is a prototype model and, as of writing, there are no plans for a commercial release
The Koja is mounted to a tree using specialist treehouse supports
The Koja's design is the result of a competition held by Polestar back in 2021
Visitors gain access to the Koja using an exterior staircase
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Bentley's done it, Aston Martin's done it, and now Swedish automotive brand Polestar has also decided to dip its toe into the world of architecture. The firm has created a sleek treehouse that is defined by its generous glazing and minimalist decor.

The Koja was first created by Kristian Talvitie for a competition held by Polestar in 2021. He received an honorable mention and the automaker was so enamored with his design that it eventually decided to build it.

The treehouse is currently located in a forest as part of the Fiskars Village Art & Design Biennale, in Finland, until September. Its overall form is likened to a spaceship in the forest by Polestar's team and is mounted to a tree at a height of 6 m (19.6 ft) above the forest floor. It's finished in Nordic Fir and Spruce CLT (cross laminated timber), with an iron frame.

The Koja's name derives from the Swedish word for a hut or den and that's really how it's best considered, rather than some kind of full-time abode. It's accessed by a staircase and consists of one modest-sized room designed for two people that's arranged into a U-shape. The room is conceived as a lounge/sleeping area with no other amenities – however there's also a standalone bathroom installed nearby in the woods for when nature calls.

The Koja consists of just one room, however a separate bathroom is installed nearby in case nature calls

The interior decor reflects both Scandinavian design and Polestar's own aesthetic sensibilities, and it's handled very tastefully, with no over-the-top branding or corny car-related paraphernalia to spoil the minimalistic looks. In a nice touch, the tree actually runs through the center of the room and is uncovered in one area, while the generous glazing ensures ample natural daylight inside, as well as providing panoramic views of the surrounding forest.

Polestar told us that the Koja serves as a concept prototype model to promote interest in sustainable travel, and is not open to bookings. Alas, there are also no immediate plans to manufacture it commercially.

Source: Polestar

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I don't know. I guess it's the nature of such things to be form over function but the tree in the middle is just decorative. It makes a lot of sacrifices to be pretentious. There is no balcony because it would kind of compromise the UFO/flying saucer theme but without the tree there would be room for furniture inside. As it is now the only place to sit down would have your back to the window which defeats the purpose. If you could sit at a table/desk looking out the window it would be so much nicer.
Bathroom downstairs and through the woods at night. Um. But it really is pretty. And looks like it should be a while before the mount strangles the tree...