Diet & Nutrition

Sugar in diet found to double fat production in liver

Sugar in diet found to double fat production in liver
Moderate amounts of fructose and sucrose were found to double fat production processes in the liver
Moderate amounts of fructose and sucrose were found to double fat production processes in the liver
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Moderate amounts of fructose and sucrose were found to double fat production processes in the liver
Moderate amounts of fructose and sucrose were found to double fat production processes in the liver

A new study led by scientists from the University of Zurich has found moderate consumption of fructose and sucrose can dramatically amplify fat production in the liver. The research also suggests these sugar-induced changes to fat metabolism can continue for long periods of time.

Prior research has found fructose in particular can disrupt the liver’s ability to effectively burn fat. High-fructose diets are known to damage mitochondria and shift the liver from burning fat to storing it.

The new research explored whether these same metabolic abnormalities were triggered by moderate volumes of sugar in a diet. Around one hundred healthy young subjects were recruited and divided into three groups plus a control group. Each sugar group consumed one drink per day with 80 grams of either fructose, glucose or sucrose. For reference, that's roughy the amount of sugar in two cans of Coke.

“The body’s own fat production in the liver was twice as high in the fructose group as in the glucose group or the control group – and this was still the case more than twelve hours after the last meal or sugar consumption,” says Philipp Gerber, lead researcher on the study.

Importantly the results showed sucrose amplified fat production in the liver to the same level seen with fructose. Prior research had suggested only fructose was thought to have this negative effect on liver fat metabolism.

Gerber notes these findings suggest relatively small amounts of sugars added to a diet can trigger adverse metabolic effects. And these effects were seen to last for longer periods of time than previously thought.

“Eighty grams of sugar daily, which is equivalent to about 0.8 liters of a normal soft drink, boosts fat production in the liver,” says Gerber. “And the overactive fat production continues for a longer period of time, even if no more sugar is consumed.”

The researchers ultimately suggest these findings are a potent reminder to limit added sugars in one’s daily diet. The American Heart Foundation currently recommends men to consume no more than 37.5 grams of added sugar per day, and women no more than 25 grams.

The new study was published in the Journal of Hematology.

Source: UZH

Big Mig
Does it means that we should reduce fruits consumtion? in order to limit fructose intake. Isn't it just in the opposite direction to all that we've always heard before, about benefits of mediterranean diet? Or is the research only referred to artificially added fructose.
Big Mig No,they are talking about added sugar only. Almost all fruits are absorbed slowly,as the other factors in the fruit limit the speed of absorption.
Reply to Big Mig - you may find answers to your questions in the work of Dr. Robert Lustig.
High glycemic index carbohydrates are also serious culprits in glycogen production. So, even if one does not consume excessive amounts of sugar, watch those high GI carbs as well.
These researchers are playing it safe, by using soft drinks as the sugar source. The cowards didn't even name the drinks. So is the writer, by not finding a study of characteristic Swiss added-sugar products which actually show up on U.S. grocery shelves, like Lindt and other Swiss-made and -owned chocolates. Investigative journalism this is not.
The one sugar I'm particularly concerned about is high fructose corn syrup, and one soft drink a day is more than enough, (or none at all). I use mostly maple syrup.
michael_dowling is certainly right. The amount of fructose in an apple, orange and banana is small compared to soda pop. A glass of OJ can be as much as 4-5 oranges, and hardly anyone eats that many at once.
Sugar is a source of energy. Many animals/insects will consume it readily. Dogs who get regular sweet treats are usually chunky. lol
Lay off the Gatorade, too. Quarts of that contain 40+ grams of sugar.
While fructose is worse than glucose...sugar is still sugar and yes it would be smart to not have too much fruit. Keep in mind that fruit today is grown to produce much more sugar than the crops generations ago.
John Clement
Your liver can't differentiate between the sugars in a banana and white sugar. I am 64 and always carried around an extra 25 lbs. Not much but I'm 5'10". I stopped eating sugars and grains 4 years ago and dropped the weight without extra exercise. I limit my carbs to under 30 grams a day and less most days. I learned here NSNG. I weight what I did when I got out of high school 46 years ago and feel great. you need to limit alcohol also.
Big Mig, the problem is processed and added fructose, but indeed, if you try a diet of fruits and really eat lot of them, you can't expect to be "healthy", but normal acceptable consumption of fruits is desirable...
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