
Drinking tea linked to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

Drinking tea linked to reduced risk of type 2 diabetes
A large meta-analysis suggests people who drink at least four cups of tea per day experience a slightly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those who don't drink tea
A large meta-analysis suggests people who drink at least four cups of tea per day experience a slightly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those who don't drink tea
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A large meta-analysis suggests people who drink at least four cups of tea per day experience a slightly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those who don't drink tea
A large meta-analysis suggests people who drink at least four cups of tea per day experience a slightly reduced risk of type 2 diabetes compared to those who don't drink tea

New research presented at the 2022 European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting has analyzed data from nearly 20 studies encompassing one million adults and found a link between drinking tea and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. But it all depends on how much tea you drink.

Over the years plenty of research has accumulated citing the potential health benefits of tea, from improving cardiovascular health to reducing the risk of cancer. This new research set out to try and clarify one particularly uncertain topic – the relationship between tea drinking and the risk of type 2 diabetes.

A two-part review of pre-existing research was conducted. The first stage was a cohort study looking at data from more than 5,000 adults followed who were for 12 years. Around half the cohort reported drinking tea, but by the end of the follow-up period there were similar rates of type 2 diabetes in both tea drinkers and non-drinkers.

So the next part of the research set out to explore whether there was a dose-response aspect to tea drinking and diabetes. Looking at 19 studies with detailed data on tea-drinking frequency the researchers discovered the risk of type 2 diabetes declined relative to the amount of tea a person was regularly drinking.

While people who drank one to three cups of tea per day were 4% less likely to develop diabetes compared to non-drinkers, those consuming at least four cups a day reduced their risk of diabetes by 17%.

Lead author on the research Xiaying Li said the diabetes risk reduction was observed even after accounting for gender, geographical location and type of tea consumed. Li said this suggests something in tea may be specifically reducing a person’s risk of diabetes.

“It is possible that particular components in tea, such as polyphenols, may reduce blood glucose levels, but a sufficient amount of these bioactive compounds may be needed to be effective,” speculated Li. “It may also explain why we did not find an association between tea drinking and type 2 diabetes in our cohort study, because we did not look at higher tea consumption.”

Of course, these findings come with plenty of caveats. The research is not yet peer-reviewed or published in a journal, and it’s based on self-reported dietary questionnaires, which can’t track in detail long-term food habits. Plus, the data offers no insight into the varieties of ways people drink tea. For example, does drinking tea with or without milk influence diabetes risk?

Speaking to The Guardian, Li speculated milk in tea could enhance the health benefits of tea. However, a 2002 study found milk can actually decrease the insulin-enhancing activity of tea, suggesting the dairy product may counteract the diabetes-preventing benefits of tea.

“While more research needs to be done to determine the exact dosage and mechanisms behind these observations, our findings suggest that drinking tea is beneficial in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, but only at high doses (at least 4 cups a day)”, concluded Li.

Source: Diabetologia

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Is it also quite possible that people who have the time and the emotional mindset to drink four cups of tea daily, might have a lower risk of most internally initiated diseases, because of the manner of consumption? In the USA, coffee is available 24-7. Tea? Not so much. It takes time, and it takes the ability to relax oneself, to truly enjoy a cup of tea. I drink a full pot of coffee a day, so after I make the coffee first thing in the morning, my prep time is over. I can sit and relax, just as if I were sucking down a cup of tea. I'm seventy-five, never had a cold or the flu. Something to consider as an un-considered cause and effect?
I should be in good shape then I drink 2 or 3 glasses of iced tea a day using tea bags for the tea. Throw in a cup or two of coffee and I should be in good shape. But I'm not ha. So much for theories.
Did they factor for obesity, which is the highest risk factor for Type 2 diabetes? No? We'll file the "results" of this study under "random noise". Drink your tea or don't. This study doesn't clarify if tea reduces the risk of Type 2 diabetes. Losing weight will certainly reduce your risk. Try that first.
Pretty decent synopsis Rich, thanks! If your theorists who commented were to read the article you reference, they might not extrapolate - or confabulate - so much. There is a saying in medical literature - until proven, everything is either theory, conjecture, or both. Well with 19 studies analyzed, and then drilled down into deeper, the corollaries are noticed as "both". But four or more cups of tea double the benefit of a 1-2 cup tea habit. SELF-REPORTED, AND NOT CONTROLLED FOR ANYTHING OTHER THAN TEA DRINKING! This is not a rigorous peer reviewed PROOF of anything. It is an across the board analysis of anecdotal info and if you know anything about health, survivorship does imply success! But the only variable is cups of tea per day - all other things being equal - or varied. So - obesity or not, Type A personality or not, polypharmacology or no meds - it all varied. So yes, all those extraneous factors could mean something. Or not. Tea is available almost everywhere in the USA 24-7 and it is easy to brew. About the same time required compared to a coffee habit. But when it comes to health comparisons - if it requires a new habit or thinking about a process - is it just too big a hurdle to consider?
I'll say because while you drinking Tea, you are not drinking Sodas. Lol