
Scientists grow beef cells in rice to make new protein-rich space food

A bowl of beef-rice, created by a team of Korean scientists
Yonsei University
A bowl of beef-rice, created by a team of Korean scientists
Yonsei University

In a move that will make some stomachs growl and others turn, Korean scientists have taken muscle and fat stem cells from cows and transplanted them into grains of rice. The end result is a new, high-protein food that should be cheap, environmentally friendly, and useful for famines, military or space travel.

Our current farming practices aren’t particularly sustainable, and with billions more people on the way, the environmental impact is only projected to grow. As such, the future of food might look very different to what we’re used to, whether that’s growing meat in labs, eating insects for protein, or stoking microbes to produce nutritious powders.

Now, scientists in Korea have created a new kind of food that could form a future staple – a beef-rice hybrid. The principle is similar to growing meat cells in the lab, except this time they did so inside the pores of rice grains. The structure provided a stable scaffold for the animal cells, while certain molecules in rice helped them flourish.

The rice was first coated in fish gelatin, which helped the beef cells stick. Once seeded with the cow muscle and fat stem cells, the rice was left to culture for nine to 11 days. The end result is a pink rice that looks a bit eerie, but is apparently completely food safe and fairly nutritious.

The researchers steamed their beef-rice, and conducted a range of food industry analyses to investigate the unnatural creation. They found that it had 8% more protein and 7% more fat than plain rice, and a texture that was firmer and more brittle. Versions made with more muscle cells reportedly smelled more like beef or almonds, while those with higher fat content were described with notes closer to cream, butter or coconut oil.

The beef-rice should have a much smaller environmental footprint than meat. The researchers estimate that their creation should only release less than 6.27 kg (13.82 lb) of CO2 per 100 g of protein, compared to beef’s 50 kg (110 lb). Costs should be much lower too, with the beef-rice coming in around US$2.23 per kilogram, compared to beef’s $14.88.

The team says the nutritional and environmental benefits, along with the low food safety risks and easy manufacturing, should make the beef-rice a good candidate for commercialization. Before then, the scientists plan to boost its nutritional value by improving the conditions in the rice to help the beef cells thrive. After that, the final hurdle might just be convincing people to willingly eat it – but to be fair, the same could be said for many future foods.

“We usually obtain the protein we need from livestock, but livestock production consumes a lot of resources and water and releases a lot of greenhouse gas,” said Sohyeon Park, first author of the study. “I didn’t expect the cells to grow so well in the rice. Now I see a world of possibilities for this grain-based hybrid food. It could one day serve as food relief for famine, military ration, or even space food.”

The research was published in the journal Matter.

Source: Scimex

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What about the arsenic in the rice? Did they manage a way to remove it?
Is beef necessary to this process, or just a proof of concept? Chicken/poultry or pork or even fish might end up with a more effective product.
I find it difficult to see exactly how they are getting their cost estimate here. First, for apples to apples, they need to calculate how much brice one has to eat to get the same amount of protein, not compare the cost of a kilogram of brice to the cost of a kilogram of beef. According to Mr. Google, 100 grams of cooked rice has around 2.7 grams of protein (the rest is mostly water 2/3 and carbohydrates 1/3 plus traces of this and that). 100 grams of top sirloin contains around 22.8 grams of protein, roughly 8.5 times as much by weight. To put it another way, you'd have to eat 8.5 times as much rice as beef to get the same amount of protein.
Brice has 8% more protein that plain rice, which translates to 2.9 grams per 100 grams, so you'd have to eat only 7.8 times as much rice as beef to get the same amount of protein. To translate this into concrete terms, to get the same amount of protein that you would get in an 8 oz steak, you'd have to eat over four pounds of cooked rice or just UNDER four pounds of brice. To put it yet another way, using what I suspect is a highly optimistic, assuming ideal industrial cost scaling estimate of $2.23 per kg of brice vs $14.88 per kg for the steak you'd pay 17% MORE for the brice-based protein, and have to ingest the carbohydrate calorie load of almost four pounds of cooked rice -- assuming you could eat that much rice at all.
I will skip a nutritional analysis, except to note that lean beef adds a ton of essential amino acids, trace nutrients and other good stuff compared to the amounts present in rice, so the brice would have to somehow proportionally exceed the percentages per gram of intake substantially to come even close. There is a reason people eat meat -- it is amazingly nutritious. Does that mean that eating a lot of meat, super-fatty meat, red meat vs chicken or fish, is somehow optimal? It does not -- of course. But brice is -- so far -- almost perfectly useless as a source of supplemental protein even before verifying that the amino acid profile in the product is still parallel to that of lean meat, in ADDITION to being a lot more expensive as a source of protein than, say, just eating lentils, legumes, fish, chicken, nuts, eggs, milk and milk products, etc.
I will make one more negative comment. I grew up in India, where my father worked in the Green Revolution, and know more than a bit about the difficulty of growing enough rice AS IS to fulfill the CALORIE requirements of a largely vegetarian population (where in India I doubt you'd get many Hindus to eat brice no matter what) -- turning rice into an industrially enhanced material that very likely won't keep anywhere nearly as long as rice in unrefrigerated, hot environments just makes zero sense.
I wonder if fried beef-rice would taste anything like beef fried rice. Now go beyond beef. Shrimp-rice would be great.
"After that, the final hurdle might just be convincing people to willingly eat it – but to be fair, the same could be said for many future foods."... not to mention many existing ones, eg pretty much any fruit 'n' veg!
Meat-Rice or Mice!