Tiny Houses

Ecocapsule hatches next generation egg-shaped tiny house

Ecocapsule hatches next generation egg-shaped tiny house
The Ecocapsule NextGen is planned for production in mid-2024
The Ecocapsule NextGen is planned for production in mid-2024
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The Ecocapsule NextGen's length has been increased from 4.67 m (15 ft) for the previous model to 5.2 m (17 ft)
The Ecocapsule NextGen's length has been increased from 4.67 m (15 ft) for the previous model to 5.2 m (17 ft)
The Ecocapsule NextGen will get power from solar panels and a small wind turbine
The Ecocapsule NextGen will get power from solar panels and a small wind turbine
The Ecocapsule NextGen will be accessed by double doors, opening up the small dwelling to the outside
The Ecocapsule NextGen will be accessed by double doors, opening up the small dwelling to the outside
The Ecocapsule NextGen is planned for production in mid-2024
The Ecocapsule NextGen is planned for production in mid-2024
The Ecocapsule NextGen will be lighter than its predecessor, though we've no word yet on its exact weight
The Ecocapsule NextGen will be lighter than its predecessor, though we've no word yet on its exact weight
The Ecocapsule NextGen is designed to operate off the grid
The Ecocapsule NextGen is designed to operate off the grid
The Ecocapsule NextGen will contain a newly designed interior with improved furniture and additional storage space available
The Ecocapsule NextGen will contain a newly designed interior with improved furniture and additional storage space available
The original Ecocapsule, shown here installed in a vineyard
The original Ecocapsule, shown here installed in a vineyard
Though the Ecocapsule NextGen will be a little larger than the original Ecocapsule, shown here, it will still be very compact inside
Though the Ecocapsule NextGen will be a little larger than the original Ecocapsule, shown here, it will still be very compact inside
The Ecocapsule NextGen will contain a sofa bed similar to the one shown here in the original Ecocapsule model
The Ecocapsule NextGen will contain a sofa bed similar to the one shown here in the original Ecocapsule model
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Having delivered on its initial promise of an egg-shaped off-grid tiny house, Ecocapsule now plans a new and improved model. Named the Ecocapsule NextGen, the dwelling will maintain the same novel egg-like form but in a more spacious shell.

The Ecocapsule NextGen's length will be increased from 4.67 m (15 ft) to 5.2 m (17 ft), making it significantly larger than the original model, though, to be clear, this thing is still very small and makes most tiny houses look spacious in comparison.

Its original gull-wing door has also been ditched in favor of a more typical double glass door, which will help open up the dwelling to the outside while being much simpler to manufacture. Like the previous Ecocapsule, it won't have integrated wheels but can instead be transported by truck, trailer and container.

Inside, the Ecocapsule NextGen will have a slightly rearranged interior allowing for more storage space and will sport an extra window. It will consist of a living area with a sofa that pulls out into a double bed, plus a table that stows away. Nearby will be a very small kitchen area and a bathroom.

The Ecocapsule NextGen will contain a newly designed interior with improved furniture and additional storage space available
The Ecocapsule NextGen will contain a newly designed interior with improved furniture and additional storage space available

Some other tweaks have been made on the manufacturing side to ensure the model is easier and quicker to assemble too, and Ecocapsule expects to be able to increase production from two units to eight, per month. Additionally, we've no figures yet, but the solar panel array will be larger, ensuring it has more power to run off-the-grid, alongside a wind turbine and battery system.

The changes planned for the Ecocapsule NextGen are based on feedback gained from customers after selling out of the previous Ecocapsule model.

The Ecocapsule NextGen is designed to operate off the grid
The Ecocapsule NextGen is designed to operate off the grid

"We are excited that Ecocapsule has attracted many customers, and, thanks to their feedback, we have the opportunity to work on an improved generation and stay ahead of the competition," said co-founder of Ecocapsule, architect Tomáš Žáček. "The most significant change in the product design will be the installation of a large panoramic window, which will bring people even closer to nature."

The Ecocapsule NextGen is expected to begin production in mid-2024, though we've no word yet on its expected cost or delivery date.

Source: Ecocapsule

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1 comment
Uncle Anonymous
I remember when these first came out, and considered getting one to use on a piece of property I had for hunting. Then the reality of their price and the cost of shipping plus taxes came into play, so I took a pass.