Urban Transport

Yikebike updates 2012 model, increases production

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The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery
The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km or 20 km if you carry a spare battery.
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The Yikebike is a miniature, electric penny farthing made of carbon fiber capable of 25 km/h (15 mph) with a range of 10 km (6.2 miles), or 20 km (12.4 miles) if you carry a spare battery.

The Yikebike is the smallest transportation "appliance" we've ever ridden - by a mile - nothing else exists that is even close (except perhaps Toyota's Winglet Prototype and Honda's U3-X prototypes). Anyway, don't let the fact that it's on sale lull you into believing it isn't revolutionary - it is - and it has been updated for the 2012 year, with numerous small changes making for an improved experience. The wheels are now puncture-proof, the riding position has been altered, and the carbon fibre handle bars have been swapped for alloy.

The changes have cost the Yikebike a smidgen in weight - the Carbon Model now weighs in at 11.5 kg and the Fusion Model at 14.7 kg.

Significantly increased production capacity has also brought the long delivery times of 2011 down to a bearable "within two weeks of payment confirmation" and the global distributorship network has now grown significantly to include America, Australia, Chile, Spain, Ukraine, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Mexico, Malaysia, UK, Portugal, Denmark, Norway and the Russian Federation.

Source: product page, distributorship network

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Really neat but the price is a no-go. For US$3,985 you can get a really, really, really good conventional bike that you can really ride.
Now if the Yikebike was US$398 then sure that would be worth it. The price is for rich people with two much money that want to impress their friends with their coolness.
Mark O
Yeah, you can convert a regular bicycle to run at those speeds at that range for a 10th of what this costs.
too expensive to be anything but a rich person's toy, too dangerous to ride for real.
Why no images showing this bike being ridden?
The problem with electricbikes and cars, is that every one thinks that they have the answer we have been waiting for. They (builders) want to make a billion dollars for $10 worth of inovation. If you went to India with a set of drawings they will tell you it can be made and then ask you what price you want to pay and will build to that price. I would buy one for around $150 $200. Same with electric cars. No motor no gear box no dif, just electric motors in the wheels I'd buy one for $5000. The idea of paying for nonexistent parts is why the idea has not taken off. Its all to do with "Priced at what the market will bear".
I have to agree with the commenters. What economy are you living in? Throw in an inexpensive solar charger and an extra battery for quick changing. Better yet, a foldable solar charger in a side bag. Then, maybe the cost would be justified.
Walt Stawicki
@ pointyup....you would pay $5K for a regular bike with motor in the hub? wo0wser, I guess I am aiming too low. I want to build a 2 seater with lugage room for that price. Maybe I should get some more zeeros lined up?
"Yikebike" must be technospeak for "faceplant".
Anumakonda Jagadeesh
Is not present bike versatile,time tested and cost effective?
Mark Roest
@Walt Stawicki, About how long from now are you planning to go into production? What are you planning to do for the battery? Please reply to MarkLRoest(at)gmail(dot)com