Storage-integrated staircases are a very popular addition to tiny houses but this is the first time we've seen a lizard-integrated staircase. Following Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses' recent cat-friendly model, the firm has designed a compact dwelling with a staircase that hosts a vivarium for the owners' pet gecko, as well as an area for their cat.
The Ad Astra tiny house measures just 24 ft (7.3 m)-long and is based on a double-axle trailer. It's finished in cedar lap siding, with recycled corrugated metal accenting. A deck that's manually raised and lowered is fitted to the outside too.
The home definitely isn't as pet-centric as the Grizzly, for example, but its staircase is still pretty unusual and features a glass vivarium about halfway up, which can be accessed with a removable stair. Additionally, there's a small ventilated space for a cat's litter tray a few steps down.

The owners had seen the interior layout of Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses' previous Pequod model and liked it a lot, so that home was used as a starting point. The center of the Ad Astra is taken up by a snug living area hosting a sofa with storage underneath. Nearby is a nesting dining table with integrated seats and storage.
The Ad Astra has the same U-shaped kitchen design as the Pequod and includes a full-size fridge/freezer and oven with propane-powered four burner stove, plus a sink. Also notable is its pantry and a kitchen window that slides up to function as a serving window for the deck area outside.

Elsewhere on the ground floor is a relatively spacious bathroom with sink and vanity unit, composting toilet, and bath/shower.
There are two lofts in the Ad Astra. The first serves as the bedroom and is accessed by the staircase with the vivarium. The other loft is accessed by ladder and includes a flexible area with space for a queen-size mattress if the owners have guests over.
The Ad Astra runs from a standard RV-style hookup and, while already sold, commissioning a similarly equipped model would cost around US$73,000.
Source: Rocky Mountain Tiny Houses