
New antibiotic candidates were inside us all along

A new antibiotic candidate has been found – and it's already inside the human body
A new antibiotic candidate has been found – and it's already inside the human body

With bacteria rapidly evolving resistance to our best antibiotics, scientists are searching high and low for new ones. In recent years promising drug candidates have turned up in some unexpected places, like rattlesnake venom, platypus milk and tobacco flowers – and now, already inside the human body. Researchers from MIT and the University of Naples Federico II have found that a potent peptide normally used for digestion has strong antimicrobial effects, and could form the base of new drugs.

Considering the sheer number of bacteria that call your body home – as well as the myriad health problems that can arise from too many bad bugs in your gut microbiome – it makes sense that the human body would have some defence mechanisms in place. Many antimicrobial peptides are known to play that role, and although they're effective in that specific environment, they aren't usually strong enough to use as antibiotic drugs. At least, not without some tweaking.

"These peptides really constitute a great template for engineering," says Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez, one of the senior authors of the new study. "The idea now is to use synthetic biology to modify them further and make them more potent."

To try to identify some of the best candidates, the researchers screened almost 2,000 human proteins, with algorithms designed to flag those with similarities to known antimicrobial peptides. These could then be potential targets for further study.

"It's a data-mining approach to very easily find peptides that were previously unexplored," says de la Fuente-Nunez. "We have patterns that we know are associated with classical antimicrobial peptides, and the search engine goes through the database and finds patterns that look similar to what we know makes up a peptide that kills bacteria."

Of the thousands of peptides screened, the algorithm identified about 800 as potential antimicrobial candidates. For the current study, the researchers singled out one particularly promising peptide, known as pepsinogen, which is involved in digesting proteins in the stomach.

The peptide itself wasn't what caught the team's eye though – it was the small fragments that are produced as a by-product of the digestion process. Until now these fragments had no known function, but the algorithms flagged them as potentially antimicrobial.

To test out how well the pepsinogen fragments worked, the team exposed bacteria populations to them in the lab. Sure enough, the proteins were effective against several common pathogens, including Salmonella, E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, among others. The fragments were found to be effective both at neutral pH levels as well as in more acidic environments like the stomach.

"The human stomach is attacked by many pathogenic bacteria, so it makes sense that we would have a host defense mechanism to defend ourselves from such attacks," says de la Fuente-Nunez.

Mouse tests also revealed that the fragments are effective at killing skin infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

The next steps for the team are to modify the fragments to make them even more potent, as well as investigating some of the other candidates returned by the algorithm.

The research was published in the journal ACS Synthetic Biology.

Source: MIT

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Is there not a much greater risk using parts of the natural human system? When a potential antibiotic induces resistance in a bacteria, as is inevitable, it may have consequences for all of us, not just those taking the drug.
Brian M
Immediate thought is, are these safe candidates, imagine the risk if the bugs became resistant to the bodies own defences?
Eric Blenheim
The original Rife instruments back in the 1930's could delete any specific organism from the human body with radio waves with extreme precision, leaving all other organisms completely untouched, leaving the immune system completely unharmed, all frequencies he used are still known and in the public domain, the original technology, that was withdrawn by POTUS Roosevelt for obvious reasons, could easily be reproduced with the use of government supercomputers. Rife's machines also cured 100% of cancer cases without the slightest side-effect, unintrusively and painlessly.
I think it is time we stop screwing with nature and let it take its course. We have become so germ phobic that we and our children are almost never exposed to the things to which we need to develop immunity.
I have trouble believing an educated scientist would even entertain such a dumb idea. Do they want to make a superbug resistant to the body's natural defenses?! This just seems moronic to me.