Heart Disease

New studies shine light on long-term effects of intermittent fasting

New studies shine light on long-term effects of intermittent fasting
Two new studies, based on a religious cohort who fasted one day a month for much of their lives, has provided new data on intermittent fasting
Two new studies, based on a religious cohort who fasted one day a month for much of their lives, has provided new data on intermittent fasting
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Two new studies, based on a religious cohort who fasted one day a month for much of their lives, has provided new data on intermittent fasting
Two new studies, based on a religious cohort who fasted one day a month for much of their lives, has provided new data on intermittent fasting

Two new studies are offering insights into the long-term effects of intermittent fasting on human health. The research suggests fasting for just one day a month over many years can lengthen lifespan and enhance cardiovascular health, but as always, the new studies are riddled with caveats.

Fasting diets are undeniably all the rage these days. From the conservative 5:2 diet to more extreme multi-day fasting strategies, the anecdotal health benefits of these diets seem impossible to ignore. A burgeoning body of research is slowly uncovering the underlying biological mechanisms behind the effects of these diets but there is still a great deal scientists do not understand.

And one of those key unanswered questions surrounds the long-term effects of fasting diets on the human body. While there have been a number of animal studies exploring the biological effects of fasting, and several short-term human studies looking at the acute effects, scientists do not know what happens to a human body when it consistently undergoes intermittent fasts over several years.

To try to tease out the long-term effects of fasting on a human body, a team of scientists from Intermountain Healthcare Heart Institute in Salt Lake City, Utah, tracked over 2,000 patients for nearly five years. The patients were enrolled into the study during the course of a cardiac catheterization procedure, and then followed for several years to ascertain long-term cardiovascular health and overall mortality.

The unique part of the research was the fact that a large portion of the cohort were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One typical behavior of the church is to fast for up to 24 hours across the first Sunday of every month. While not all modern Latter-day Saints regularly engage with what many call "Fast Sunday," the research was able to home in on 389 subjects in the cohort reporting routine monthly fasting for over five years.

Benjamin Horne, one of the researchers working on the project, says the results were more profound than anyone expected. After five years of follow-ups, those routine monthly fasters revealed a 45 percent lower mortality rate than the non-fasters.

"It's another example of how we're finding that regularly fasting can lead to better health outcomes and longer lives," says Horne.

A second investigation into the long-term effects of fasting on myocardial infarction (MI) and heart failure (HF) revealed interestingly discordant results. The data showed no difference in incidences of myocardial infarction (otherwise known as a heart attack) between the fasters and non-fasters. However, the fasting group strikingly revealed a 71 percent lower rate of heart failure compared to the non-fasters.

"We think that long-term fasting of about one day, once a month, over a period of decades is making the body activate those beneficial mechanisms for a few hours each day between dinner and breakfast when it usually wouldn’t,” says Horne. “Those hours build up over long periods of time and provide the benefits.”

The research, of course, attempted to adjust for the various factors that could underpin these differences, including lifestyle behaviors such as smoking. But, the key element that makes the study somewhat novel is also the factor that limits the broad applicability of its conclusions. Krista Varady, a nutritionist from the University of Illinois at Chicago, who did not work on this current research, notes the problem with using a cohort of fasting subjects who are primarily Latter-day Saints.

"They lead a very different lifestyle compared to the average American," says Varady. "For instance, they don't smoke, don't drink alcohol and are slightly more physically active. It just makes sense they're going to live longer and have a lower chance of heart disease."

Horne fairly recognizes the limitations of his team’s research, accepting the purely correlational results and suggesting there possibly are secondary psychological effects from intermittent fasting that could be leading to the positive health benefits seen in the data.

"Some people who've started fasting say they unexpectedly feel they have more self-control over their appetite," says Horne. "Potentially, there's a direct result between fasting and the strengthening of the mind so people are able to eat a better diet."

Further work is necessary to better tease out the long-term effects of intermittent fasting on human health, but one of the intriguing implications raised by this research is the possible health benefits of such a minimal intervention as fasting one day a month. While many other intermittent fasting strategies suggest either fasting several days per week, or fasting 16 to 20 hours each day, this research suggests from a perspective of overall mortality and cardiovascular health, simply fasting one day a month may be significantly useful.

"With the lower heart failure risk that we found, which is consistent with prior mechanistic studies, this study suggests that routine fasting at a low frequency over two thirds of the lifespan is activating the same biological mechanisms that fasting diets are proposed to rapidly activate," says Horne.

The findings from the heart health and mortality fasting studies were presented at the 2019 American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Philadelphia earlier in November, abstracts have been published in the journal Circulation.

Sources: American Heart Association, Intermountain Healthcare Heart Institute

It’s an open secret that long term supervised water fasting cures a huge percentage of chronic disease: from type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma. The practice of “water cure” has been around since 19th century. This information has been suppressed by the medical/drug super establishment because it essentially exposes their malpractice. It is not surprising that intermittent fasting is beneficial. However, without proper eating we will continue to make ourselves sick.
Our bodies were designed around intermittent food supply, which enabled us to store nutritional value in the good times and release it in the bad ones. Fasting in the context of excessive supply and taste for high energy foodstuffs (which have always given the biggest bang for the eating buck) simply replicates some elements of the scarcity we once had no choice but to endure....and by so doing, mitigating the negative consequences of protracted food oversupply and overstorage in our bodies
Indulgence Capitalism has a huge stake in seeing to it that we over indulge in all things at all times. Periodic fasting seems a good way to maintain that pattern while containing some of its more devastating effects.
The West and this Research teams should know that since thousands of years fasting once a week has been a practice in Hinduism. It is good for both mind and body. Even now it is practiced in many families and lots of data is easily available. Nothing new.
From the article: some "people who've started fasting say they unexpectedly feel they have more self-control over their appetite". This is presented as thing to correct for. To me, this seems like another benefit of fasting.
If it was very good for Moses, David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jesus, Peter, John, Paul, to name a few, why WOULDN'T it be good for everyone? I try to fast one day a week, and have gone as long as 3 weeks on just water, and felt fantastic.
I have been on a 14/12 diet. I am rarely hungry in the morning,so I have been skipping breakfast for about 6 months. I eat my dinner at 7pm,and then don't eat anything till 9am,when I can eat anything I want until 7pm rolls around again. I drink coffee until 9am with a little milk. The body stays in fasting mode as long as you don't consume anything over 50 calories,about a 1/2 cup of milk,so a little milk in my coffee keeps me under 50 calories.My weight has dropped 8 pounds in the last 6 months.
These scientists are just trying to prove what is already obvious. It's not just the fact of fasting but the fact that we were made to eat when we are really hungry. Like real hunger. When we eat during this period our body goes through it efficiently, food tastes better and we are healthy for it. Nowadays people just eat because it's time to eat never mind if they were truly hungry.
And it's true, what we eat affects the chemical in the brain. The so-called diet that causes you to feel lethargic. Eating healthy motivate your brain to feel like working out and staying healthy.