You may know LG for its TVs and home appliances, but the electronics giant is also out to keep your plants alive. It will unveil its set of stylish smart lamps at CES 2025, aimed to help you grow flowers and herbs inside – no green thumb necessary.
Tiny flashlight, tiny output, right? That's not always the case. The PicoTorch twists out over 200 lumens and burns for up to two hours a charge while dangling from a keychain. With a magnetic base, it doubles as an effective work light.
A new experiment has demonstrated something that sounds physically impossible – light itself casting a shadow. If you manipulate a laser just right, then hit it side-on with another light source, it’s possible to create this bizarre optical effect.
Consumer tech multinational Xiaomi revealed a nifty battery-powered camping lantern in China back in March, with a mini lamp and torch module that could be popped out of its head. Now the 2-in-1 has been released globally.
The UK's Adaptalux launched a successful Kickstarter for a modular lighting system for macro photographers back in 2015, and has now returned to the platform to fund production of a mini control unit to power even more lighting creativity.
Besides keeping your food cold, there’s not much more we need from a fridge, but manufacturers keep cramming new features in there. The latest example from LG is the MoodUP, a fridge that sports speakers and LED doors that can change color on demand.
Chinese projector and Laser TV brand XGIMI is heading to IFA 2022 in Berlin, Germany, next month for the European debut of the Magic Lamp, a ceiling-mounted Full HD projector with a built-in sound system that doubles as an overhead LED room light.
The ouTask lantern has been designed for after-dark adventurers who need more flexibility than a regular head torch, flashlight or overhead lantern can offer – and features a telescoping light pole, built-in tripod and omnidirectional light head.
When you pull your car up on a quiet street at night, do you park under a street light thinking it will dissuade a thief from breaking into your car? New research challenges that assumption, finding rates of vehicle theft drop when street lights are off.
UK-based Adaptalux hit Kickstarter in 2015 with a modular lighting system aimed at macro photographers that featured bendy LED arms. Xenon flash arms for the system followed a while later, and now the newly redesigned flash arms are available to buy.
Sometimes there are places in a home that could really use a ceiling or wall light, but that it isn't worth hard-wiring one into. Well, that's where the German-made, suction-mounted Neozoon lamp is designed to come in.
If you worked in a dingy, windowless environment, it would be nice (and energy-efficient) if you could get natural daylight "piped in" from outside. An experimental device does exactly that, in a new compact and robust form.
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