
World's first liquid-hydrogen eVTOL aircraft promises 1,150-mile range

World's first liquid-hydrogen eVTOL aircraft promises 1,150-mile range
Sirius promises enormous range figures based on the energy density of liquid hydrogen
Sirius promises enormous range figures based on the energy density of liquid hydrogen
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Sirius promises enormous range figures based on the energy density of liquid hydrogen
Sirius promises enormous range figures based on the energy density of liquid hydrogen
Sirius is developing its own liquid-hydrogen propulsion system
Sirius is developing its own liquid-hydrogen propulsion system
The airframe layout includes a small buffer battery, which Sirius says should only be used for around 90 seconds per flight cycle
The airframe layout includes a small buffer battery, which Sirius says should only be used for around 90 seconds per flight cycle
A nice-looking design with an arresting V-tail
A nice-looking design with an arresting V-tail
Some 20 30-cm-diameter electric fans will have their thrust deflected downward for VTOL operations
Some 20 30cm-diameter electric fans will have their thrust deflected downward for VTOL operations
Looks like a nice jigger in the mockups
Looks like a nice jigger in the mockups
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The Sirius Jet will fly up to 1,150 miles (1,851 km) at speeds up to 323 mph (520 km/h) on a clean liquid-hydrogen powertrain. It'll rise vertically off a pad thanks to a deflected vectored thrust system using 20 smallish electric ducted fans.

It's the work of Swiss startup Sirius Aviation AG, which has apparently had a "team of 100+ engineers" beavering away at "intense R&D" on this project in the insanely picturesque lakeside town of Baar since 2021. Sirius says it's already started the certification process with the FAA, with a demonstration plane scheduled for first flights in 2025. Full certification, commercial deliveries and shuttle flights are planned for 2028.

So what have we got here? Effectively, something like a smaller version of Germany's Lilium Jet, but running on hydrogen for higher-density energy storage and much longer range, and using deflected thrust from its banks of fans instead of just tilting the propulsion units the way Lilium does.

Looks like a nice jigger in the mockups
Looks like a nice jigger in the mockups

To access that maximum 1,150-mile range, you'll need to go for the Business version, which can only take three passengers. A five-passenger, commercially-focused Millennium version displaces two seats' worth of hydrogen tanks, reducing range to 650 miles (1,046 km) – but that's still more than four times the 124-155-mile (200-250-km) range Lilium is targeting using batteries, and it pushes Sirius into contention for routes like LA to San Francisco, London to Berlin, Melbourne to Sydney, or Beijing to Seoul.

How likely is it to happen? Well, as Lilium can tell you, it's no picnic pushing these next-gen electric VTOL aircraft from the design phase through prototyping, testing, certification and into volume manufacturing – and it's an enormously expensive lack of picnic. To some extent, the first wave of eVTOL companies may be smoothing the path for other entrants, but it's still a massive challenge. Sirius is adding one major complication and one minor complication to that process.

The minor one is its deflected-thrust, small-fan system, which looks like a recipe for throwing energy away. As we discussed with Lilium CTO Alistair McIntosh, small fans with high disc loading are vastly less efficient in VTOL and hover operations than the larger propellers and rotors used on most eVTOL air taxi designs. Sirius is planning to have 20 fans, each just 11.8 inches (30 cm) in diameter, along its wings and canards.

Some 20 30-cm-diameter electric fans will have their thrust deflected downward for VTOL operations
Some 20 30cm-diameter electric fans will have their thrust deflected downward for VTOL operations

And as we discussed with Odys Aviation co-founder James Dorris, deflected thrust systems might reduce airframe complexity, but they also reduce efficiency and require the aircraft to pitch back in a fairly decent "wheelie" during takeoff and landing.

This is probably less of an issue when you're running on hydrogen rather than batteries, though, because clearly there's enough energy storage on board to make up for these inefficiencies.

The liquid-hydrogen powertrain, on the other hand – that would be a bigger concern for us. There's little doubt at this stage that hydrogen is the path that'll get us to clean short-range and regional aviation, and there are a number of companies working to develop and certify aviation-grade hydrogen powertrains. But this alone is an enormous task – there are test planes flying on hydrogen as we speak, but it remains a cutting-edge technology that nobody's got certified or into commercial use yet.

The airframe layout includes a small buffer battery, which Sirius says should only be used for around 90 seconds per flight cycle
The airframe layout includes a small buffer battery, which Sirius says should only be used for around 90 seconds per flight cycle

And that's with gaseous hydrogen; Sirius is talking liquid hydrogen, which does indeed carry an impressive amount of energy suitable for longer-range flights. But it needs to be kept incredibly cold, below 20 kelvin (-253 °C/-424 °F), at all phases of distribution, filling and flight, and if gaseous hydrogen aviation is cutting-edge, liquid hydrogen for aviation is even less mature as a technology; heck, it's only last September that H2Fly made the world's first piloted flight of a liquid H2-powered plane.

And where folk like Lilium are partnering up with battery specialists, Sirius seems to be developing its own liquid H2 powertrain in parallel with the monster job of getting an airframe and fully integrated aircraft into production. That's not to take fueling, distribution and logistics around this next-gen aviation fuel into account; there's basically zero infrastructure in place at this point even for gaseous hydrogen.

Sirius is developing its own liquid-hydrogen propulsion system
Sirius is developing its own liquid-hydrogen propulsion system

So it's an extremely ambitious program we're looking at here, with fairly long odds and intimidatingly large investments needed if Sirius is genuinely serious (yuk yuk) about its stated timelines and goals. But it's a nice-looking design in the renders, and there's no doubt in our minds that liquid-hydrogen-powered eVTOLs will have a significant contribution to make in the coming decades.

If the right investors can be found, with the appetite to put enormous funds into this business without expecting returns for many years, it's got a chance – but those appetites have probably been blunted by the money-hungry first wave of eVTOL startups. So we wish this team the best of luck, and will follow its progress with interest!

Source: Sirius Aviation

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NOW THIS is what i'm talking about. Let the underdog propulsion method rise and conquer the world !
David F
From above, in black livery, it looks like Night Fury from How to Train Your Dragon.
Great! Now... which airports have H2 stored on-site for re-fuelling...? Um... that'll be *****NONE*****!.. on the entire planet!
PLEASE... stop with this silliness... and spend your money on something sensible, instead!
Expanded Viewpoint
You are right there, Marty! As an added note, no Hydrogen gets pumped out of the ground, except as a Hydrocarbon, which then must be burned in some fashion to generate Hydrogen gas! It would be soooo nice, if people would wake up and realize that there are NO "zero emission" power sources anywhere on Earth at this time! Even if you had some kind of magical black box device that pulls energy out of the Aether, it's still not zero emission, because some other source of energy was required to make all of its parts! So PLEASE stop using the term "zero emission", because there's no such thing!
@martimwinlow What a hilarious nonsensical point you make. Once Hydrogen evtols are created Hydrogen fuel stations would follow.
Even a kindergarden student can understand that. So yes this is BIG and will absolutely become.HUGE
@shrunkenviewpoint Progressing.towards zero emissions will happen in stages that is more.obvious than daylight.
And The sooner we start the better.
So Bring it on the Hydrogen Era !!!
The more the merrier. If Hydrogen does take over, you will see more infrastructure to provide it. I still prefer the idea of electrons in wires to any kind of gas or liquid, but that's just me...
Vladimir "Vlawed" Premise
No disagreement with David F's observation, but I'll offer that, between the matte black paint job and the red hue on the windows/cockpit in that first render, it looks like it could be Cobra Commander's personal jet.
All of that hardware for five passengers? What will those tickets cost? How long will it take to get a return on that investment, per copy?
Towerman instructs all the closed minds,, regardless if they ever open while the technology continues to evolve before their eyes.
Always been a massive supporter of Hydrogen power in whatever form, but as it gets closer to reality one does realise the enormous hurdles involved. Unless there is green hydrogen then as others point out its production is little to no less damaging than present fuels. Setting up infrastructure will be very challenging especially when you will lose a percentage every day meaning longer term storage may become financially challenging. The challenge of handling liquid raised in this article is valid but it needs to be mentioned also that as its long been used in rocket technology there is a lot of expertise in handling it out there just not in this particular commercial area so it’s not starting from nothing. Certainly short term one might think an aircraft of this nature would best be used on a few specific routes in a shuttle like process to concentrate infrastructure and minimise complexity and cost while maximising use. You can see how that could work but does that fit in with the flexibility that is best served by business jets? I’m on the fence here but good for them for trying to make it work, we need such innovation but the other question will be around how quickly battery technology develops so that this aircraft’s paper range advantage is eroded by its electric competitors, as Hydrogen’s own ability to progress in that regard is sorely limited by physics and it will need a large advantage in its make up to be able to balance against that lack of flexibility and infrastructure complexities.
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