A lot of the tiny houses we've covered lately have been getting bigger and bigger, with some approaching the dimensions of small apartments. The homes we're highlighting today buck this trend and are so small that only the most enthusiastic proponents of small living would ever choose to live in them.
The Terraform Three, by Richard Ward, is a micro-house measuring 6 x 10 ft (1.8 x 3 m). It runs off-the-grid with a solar power array and features a composting toilet, bed, and some storage space inside. A small rooftop deck area can be reached through the skylight, while the kitchen and shower are accessed from outside.

The aVoid home, by Leonardo Di Chiara, has a total floorspace of only 9 sq m (96 sq ft) but is surprisingly fully-featured thanks to all its furniture being hidden in the walls. This includes a Murphy-style single bed, kitchenette, desk, table, seating, and storage space.

The Dumpster Project, by Dr. Jeff Wilson, involved cleaning a 33 sq ft (3 sq m) dumpster – very thoroughly, we hope – and modifying it to serve as a shelter by adding insulation, a bed, toilet, solar panels, and even an air-conditioning unit.

Visit the gallery to see more of these micro-houses, and others, including a tiny house designed by a starchitect, a man who lives in a box in his friend's living room to avoid high rent, and an egg-shaped micro-house that can be delivered by helicopter.