Electric Skateboards
As is the case with ebikes, there are some electric skateboards that hide their tech in a retro design, and others that absolutely revel in it. Parsec's Aero Pro is definitely among the latter, looking a bit like an e-skateboard from the future.
Though pitched as the first of its kind, we have seen something very similar to the Dryft Board as far back as 2011. This new Hybrid Board Cross merges elements of a BMX bike, skateboard and drift cart into one fun-loving e-mobility package.
While there are now a few different companies that build self-balancing one-wheeled electric skateboards, Future Motion was one of the very first. The California-based firm has just announced the latest addition to its lineup, the small but mighty Pint S.
Some people might say that if you're just standing on an electric skateboard that's controlled by a remote, then you're not really skateboarding. Such folks might prefer the Liquid Skateboard, as it's more like a regular board with cruise control.
The Italian-designed Linky 2.0 takes what was already a pretty cool folding electric longboard and makes it even better in a number of key ways. If its Kickstarter works out, one could soon be yours for a pledge of €649 (about US$696).
If you sometimes want an electric boost while skateboarding, but don't want an electric skateboard, then you might like REM. It's essentially a handheld "power stick" that works completely independent of the user's board.
Electric longboards definitely track better than shorter e-skateboards, making them great for commuting … but they are harder to carry and store. The speedy Corsair F4U addresses that shortcoming with what looks like a quick and easy folding system.
The Razor RipStik is a skateboard with just two inline caster wheels and a split deck that allows riders to carve into turns, snowboard-style. Currently on Kickstarter, the Velocity Etch takes that design and applies it to an electric longboard.
Three years ago we first heard about the Traqpod, a longboard that lets riders carve into turns like snowboarders. Well, it's now in its third incarnation – the Traqpod 3 – which is the first version to offer a one- or two-motor electric boost.
While there are now a ton of electric skateboards on the market, almost all of them are controlled by a handheld remote. The Chinese-made JCR Board, however, is controlled by shifting your weight – leaving your hands free.
Electric longboards may be a handy form of urban transport, but they're too big to carry in an airline-friendly bag. The aptly-named Traveler Board is an exception, and while it's made with portability in mind, it still boasts some impressive specs.
The urban e-micromobility mix includes lots of different ways to get around. Some roll on two wheels, others three, and there are microcars too. And then there are Onewheel skateboards. Now, Future Motion has announced new flagship and Pint models.
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