The TinyPlex is an unusually large towable dwelling. It consists of not just one but two separate homes, each of which measures 200 sq ft and has an open and light-filled layout that sleeps up to two people.
The Cortes, by Rover Tiny Homes, is a spacious residence with two downstairs bedrooms and a large living room. Measuring 38 ft in length, it expands its considerable floorspace even further with three slide-out sections.
The Cardabelle tiny house offers a contemporary take on downsizing that balances space constraints and comfort to allow two people to embrace full-time life on wheels, despite its modest length of just 20 ft.
Frontier Tiny Homes impressed us with its spacious Felicity model, but with its Agatha, the firm has produced a towable home that's more in line with smaller European models and is suitable for full-time living.
A lot of tiny houses nowadays are expensive and luxurious, however Dragon Tiny Homes recalls the small living movement's humble roots with a compact and simple towable home named Aria that doesn't break the bank.
Backcountry Containers showcases the versatility of shipping containers with its Augustine tiny house. Able to be upgraded for off-grid living, it features a flexible bedroom and garage space that can be used to house people or vehicles.
With its Ivy Tiny House, France's Baluchon has created a surprisingly spacious towable home that also has an unusual "upside-down" layout placing the living room upstairs and one of its bedrooms downstairs.
The Felicity 10' Wide tiny house aims to offer the sort of experience you usually only get in a "real" house. With a spacious and light-filled interior layout, it includes some nice home comforts, such as a dishwasher and bathtub.
This year has produced more than its fair share of unique and outlandish architecture. From a sail-shaped skyscraper to a revolving house, here's our pick of the top 10 architectural oddities of 2024.
Though they are a standard feature in tiny houses, few people actually like to crawl into a loft-based bedroom. The Sandy tiny house, by Indigo River Tiny Homes, addresses this by offering standing room in all three of its bedrooms.
Here's our pick of the best, the most innovative, and the most interesting tiny houses we've seen throughout the year. Our top 10 includes massive family models, budget options, and even an insane motorized tiny house used to tear up the landscape.
With 2025 approaching, it's time to take a look back at some of our favorite architecture of this year. From a skinny residence, to a pair of skyscrapers joined by a bridge, here's our selection of the best buildings from the past 12 months.
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